Recent content by liontalks

  1. L

    how much and where can I get finasteride in Canada?

    Hi guys, Thanks for the responses, but where in Canada are you referring to? I live in BC and $50 a year sounds like a steal! However, would a doctor have preference over which prescription to give you, generic or brand name? And does generic do the same thing as Propecia or Proscar?
  2. L

    how much and where can I get finasteride in Canada?

    Hi everyone, I live in Canada, am 21 years old, and have been losing hair density for about 3 years now. It is not a receding hairline but diffuse thinning all across the whole top of my head. I have finally taken the plunge and gone to the doctor about taking finasteride and minoxodil...
  3. L

    Liontalks Story - (21 / thinning on top)

    Hi i'm 21 years old and my hairs been thinning since i was 18... Its only become noticable around 2 years ago and from there my life has becoming a living hell. I've contemplated dark thoughts many times now and after finding out about this forum, I have finally decided to act strongly upon...
  4. L

    Asian with hairloss

    Hi everyone, I'm a 21 year old asian male and for a year and a half now the top of my head and front has thinned a LOT. thing is, i don't know if this is temporary or not because I think im only losing 30-50 hairs a day which is apparently a lot less than the average person. Problem is, i don't...