Recent content by Lacey

  1. L

    My Laser therapy and Rogaine

    Hey if you have read my story about me being on The Doctors, then you know I was taken off Rogaine, but should have stayed on of almost 2 wks now, I have been back on my Rogaine daily and my laser therapy brush at home a few times a week and my hair feels soooo good. I...
  2. L

    Lacey's Story - (I was on THE DOCTORS)

    Re: I was on THE DOCTORS Hey there....they said that the laser would take the place of the Rogaine..both Rogaine and laser are approved to work...but still...Dr. Ziering on the show says I need them that is what I am doing...thanks! Awesome that you saw me.
  3. L

    Lacey's Story - (I was on THE DOCTORS)

    Re: I was on THE DOCTORS Hey there Jacob...yes, the clinic that I went to for my laser said I could stop the Rogaine as the laser would take its place....well...after you stop Rogaine, you start to thin after 3 first 3 month follow-up pics after the laser were great...then I...
  4. L

    Lacey's Story - (I was on THE DOCTORS)

    Hey there....My name is Lacey. I am currently 28 and at the age of 20, I was diagnosed with female pattern hairloss. I had a scalp biopsy done, multiple tests done, and they all came back normal. Therefore, I was one of the many women to get this diagnosis that eats at me every day. I was on...