Recent content by Kieran843

  1. K

    25 y/o; Curious where I am at, and where to go.

    Here is a link to my post, I waited to long and look how bad I let my hair get. I was pretty much at your level of loss when I started thinking about using finasteride but let it get worse and worse over 2 years and my temples are totally gone...
  2. K

    25 y/o; Curious where I am at, and where to go.

    Bro I went from NW2 to norwood 3+ becuase I waited so long to get on finasteride due to fears of the side effects. Got watery semen and ball ache for 4 weeks then they went away. I've been on it 2 years now and the only way I am getting my hair back now is through a transplant because I waited so...
  3. K

    25 y/o; Curious where I am at, and where to go.

    Well since there is no photos nobody can help you. If you care about your hair, Get on finasteride it will stop it getting worse and you will lose very little hair in the future.
  4. K

    Advice on Norwood Level and transplant

    Minoxidil wont stop it getting worse. Most reputable clinics will want you on finasteride for at least a year before getting a hair transplant. All the the hair you still have on your head is still prone to falling out if you don't use finasteride.
  5. K

    Need help deciding what to do

    Not much can say without pictures. Finasteride will stop it getting worse and a hair transplant will fill in the lost ground. My hairline is completely gone as you can see in the post I put up. the way I see it, Finasteride will stop it getting worse and a hair transplant is the only...
  6. K

    What Steps Should I Take? 21.5 Yrs Old

    Start taking finasteride and stop worrying. Only use minoxidil if the finasteride alone does not make a difference after a year
  7. K

    Where does my hairloss stand

    Yeah I plan on stick with finasteride, I shaved my head and I hated the look. I want to get a hair transplant in the future to fix my temples. I think a hair transplant would be a good option for me as I usually have my hair long with a fringe, the artificial look most guys who comb their hair...
  8. K

    Where does my hairloss stand

    These are the most recent ones I will post oldest ones once i can draw out my face
  9. K

    Where does my hairloss stand

  10. K

    Grogenix/ Scalp Elixir - Hair Loss Revolution?

    They switched websites guys This is their new URL. Well I cant seem to post it normally because I am new so just remove the dash. Hair - Guard DOT com Still I have yet to see any proof of their products as reviews of them are strictly limited to and their own website...
  11. K

    Hair Loss Revolution - What't The Consensus On This Guy

    The only place you can find reviews on hairgaurd products on You can't post a review on Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I honestly can't find anything about any of their products except there own website and the one I mention above. I honestly think they are just out for...