Recent content by Jonnybb

  1. J

    Propecia time question

    Hello everyone...a question about Propecia. I have been reading about people screwing around and taking doses at the wrong time. I take mine every morning as soon as I wake up. On weekday, it's between 7:45 and 9 AM. On weekends, it's between 9AM and 11AM. Is this bad or are these times...
  2. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    Wow, see what I mean. I hear SO MANY different opinions. What he was saying was that 2% would hold onto my hair and wouldn't be as greasy. Are you guys saying that 2% doesn't nothing at all, and my hair would continue to get worse, or are you saying that it won't grow much new hair? 5%...
  3. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    Thanks a lot. I will look into 2% then. I have been scared to use minoxidil because, again, I have a lot of hair, and I didn't want it to look like I was going for that wet greaser look. I wish there was a minoxidil that you could only use once a day, arg!!!! Before bed would be easy, but it's the...
  4. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    Thanks for the advice and compliments. Where do you get 2% minoxidil? All I ever find are 5%. But let me get this straight....2% isn't greasy, doesn't take long to dry, and doesn't cause the major shedding like 5% and up?
  5. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    I have heard about a lot of people doing that, but does it work as well? It seems to me that the pill isn't solid medication, so at times you could taking more or less of the finasteride. Also, it seems that everytime I read of something NOT having success with finasteride, they say they split the proscar...
  6. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    Once I start, I won't stop. I hope I don't get the shed of course, but I wouldn't stop it. My main issue will be affording it. I don't trust generics, never have. I wish I knew for a fact Finpecia was the real deal, but I don't, and can't know it. Some say they have had possible effects on...
  7. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    For starters, thanks to the guy for telling me to make sure the music is good first. It is, trust me. The thing about the music biz is that anything can hold you back and we are covering all angles. We have been writing some great tunes, now recording them. We got photos coming up and they...
  8. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    Here are pictures of me over the years to somewhat document my hairloss. Check them out and tell me what you think and how you think I may fair from treatments. I did the best I could with these, I may add more later. You will see what I mean by the statement that most people can't tell I am...
  9. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    Thanks for the post. I am sure it doesn't look worse than I think because I can't even convince my family I am losing my hair, even when they look at it and I am telling them that I am. It doesn't run in my family, which really sucks, because I seem to be the only one ever on either my mom or...
  10. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    Wow dude, just asking questions. I am being misunderstood here though. I don't want to use minoxidil, I probably won't because I hear it's messy. I want to use Propecia however. Currently I'm using the Lasercomb and Nizoral. You are right about musicians having shaved heads, etc, but I am very...
  11. J

    Nizoral with conditioner

    I recently purchased Nizoral to treat my hairloss. Can I use a conditioner with it (I know there is a Nizoral conditioner, but I don't have it). I bought DOVE extra volume conditioner, which is weightless. Is that going to screw with the nizoral treatment? Thanks.
  12. J

    Nizoral OTC 1%

    Hello everything. I'm a new poster here and been reading through pages and pages of files and this site has been a great help for me. One problem is that I see a lot of arguing, but I guess since different treatments work for different people, that is expected. Well, I currently have a...
  13. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    I have considered other hair cuts, but it isn't in my interest right now. I am wanting to see what I can do with this. I mean, why is it called maintainence if your hair HAS to be short for it to work? I don't want to have 2 inch hair, then go bald once a year because all my hair that would...
  14. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    Thanks for the replies. For starters, I made a TYPO. I meant to say, hearing all this about seasoning shedding makes me not want to START Propecia, not stop. I haven't started it yet. I also am not counting on regrowth, I just want to stop the loss. Up front it looks the thinnest on my...
  15. J

    Long Hair on Propecia. minoxidil, Laser Comb, etc...

    After reading hundreds of posts on various forums, I have a question. What about guys with long hair who are trying to prevent further hairloss. What I mean is, I hear so much about seasonal shedding on Propecia that is makes me not want to stop. For instance, if we shed EVERY year on the...