Recent content by jkjkjkjk

  1. jkjkjkjk

    What determines the speed of male pattern baldness?

    No one in my family have gone bald but both my uncles on my mothers side have kept a nw3 which hasn't progressed since their 20's (50 y/old now). I have obviously inherited the male pattern baldness genes from them but the rate mine is receding/thinning I can't see myself having much hair on top past my mid-early...
  2. jkjkjkjk

    Poor hair condition.

    I eat pretty well. Lots of fruit n veg, beans, meat and not much junk food. I have had a history of low iron levels so maybe that plays a part in it...I'm not sure. I am waiting for my last blood test to see if it has dropped again.I gather that poor circulation prevents hair from growing well...
  3. jkjkjkjk

    Poor hair condition.

    How much does the condition of your hair effect hair loss? Because I have long/medium fine curly hair and a sensitve scalp which is makes it quite an ordeal to brush. So I don't brush it that often. I also don't condition my hair due to the insane ammounts of hair that come out. I was wondering...
  4. jkjkjkjk

    What Norwood am I

    Man that is a great hairline. I don't know why you are concerned.
  5. jkjkjkjk

    19 years old receding and thinning [pics inside]

    Excersize doesn't make much difference. I'm pretty slim atm anyway. I see what you are saying but if you look at pics of how bad gyno can you'll see that its a lot more embarassing than hairloss. I can think of anything more embarassing then having a pair of breasts! I'll look into surgery as...
  6. jkjkjkjk

    19 years old receding and thinning [pics inside]

    Yeah I guess that is my next best bet. But has anyone here had substantial results from minoxidil alone? I always thought that for it to work effectively it needs propecia to fix the new hair. But I guess its better than doing nothing.
  7. jkjkjkjk

    19 years old receding and thinning [pics inside]

    Yeah I want to get on propecia, but I am afraid it will make my existing gynecomastia worse. What is the next best thing to propecia that will maintain my hair?
  8. jkjkjkjk

    19 years old receding and thinning [pics inside]

    Hi there. Well about 4 years ago I first started noticing that more hairs were coming out then normal. My pillow and hat were covered in them. Since then my hair has slowly but surely started to recede and thin around the temples and crown. None of my relatives have gone bald but two of my...
  9. jkjkjkjk

    19 years old. Needs advice...propecia/gyno.

    Yeah, I had them checked at one point but they were normal. Surely gyno is a sign of too much estrogen? but with my body hair and deep voice I'm sure that isn't the case. :dunno: I don't know what to do. On top of this I have low ferritn levels even though my diet is good. I have been to...
  10. jkjkjkjk

    19 years old. Needs advice...propecia/gyno.

    For almost a year I have been cosidering propecia. It seems like the only option for saving my hair against dht but after hearing the possible side effect of gyno I have been put off it. I know the chances of gyno on most users is minimal but the fact I already have slight gynecomastia pretty...
  11. jkjkjkjk

    male pattern baldness pattern & Genes?

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I have been browsing this site for quite some time but until now have only got round to registering. This is such an informative site, much better than any doctor or derm I've visited thats for sure. Anyway, as of yet no one in my family have gone bald...