Recent content by jibbajabba1979

  1. J

    Old but interesting article... The reason I posted this link is that Will Brink recommends to take 1.25mg of proscar daily and take 5mg proscar every 5-7 days. I was wondering what people think about that and if it would be safe to try. I personally respected him and alot of...
  2. J

    Rogaine and unwanted hair growth...

    Hi, I've been using rogaine foam for about 2 months and it's been working great it seems, although I can see little hears starting to grow on my forehead. They look alot like blackheads and are hardly noticeable but when I look close in the mirror I can see them coming out of my skin. I think...
  3. J

    Curiosity: More side efects == More success?

    Well it's kinda of a dilemma if propecia was really working for but you got really horrible sides(b**ch tits, loss of libido, etc.) would it really matter that it was growing your hair back. I myself am afraid of the sides but then again I look at those professional bodybuilders injecting all...
  4. J

    any have this side effect?

    I've been in propecia for about 2 weeks now and I notice when I get an erection that it curves to the left and my penis is not straight anymore, lol. It was never perfectly straight before but now when I get an erection it is angled to the left and not straight. Has anyone else experienced this...
  5. J

    Have you ever heard of Paraban?

    Paraban is commonly found in self hygiene, pharmaceticual products, and food products. Paraban acts like estrogen as it produces feminizing aspects in men when levels become higher than normal. Paraban also commonly appears as labels under the following names: methylparaban, propylparaban...