Recent content by James333

  1. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    Once again thanks for great answers. Since i have already ordered topical Minoxidil i will start with it, if it turns out to make my time schedule impossible i will change on Minoxidil foam.
  2. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    Thank you, i ordered minoxidil + microneedler i will be starting treatment very soon. I have one last question i read you have to put Minoxidil from 4 to 8 hours on your scalp twice a day. Thats very time consuming and basically fucks up entire day plans can i instead put it for 8 hours once a...
  3. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    Won't microneedling the area where hair is present damage/weaken the hair follicles?
  4. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    Once again thank you, you are helping me a lot. I will start with Dermaroller and change it every month. I was just curios can only Minoxidil help me keep my hair ? I am not really bothered about hair falling off from temples its not even visible unless i pull my hair back, my priority is too...
  5. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    One last question do i have to use Dermaroller everyday along with Minoxidil ? and which one would you suggest 0.5mm or 1.0mm ?
  6. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    Thanks for the answer, it sucks that you have to take Finasteride even after the hair transplant. Anyways i am not going to touch any hormone blockers i would rather just go bald.
  7. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    Thanks for the great answers man, appreciate it. Derma pen is little bit expensive for me right now i will start with Minoxidil and Mesoroller, do you have any tips for Mesoroller usage ?
  8. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    Sorry for writing seperate replies forgot to ask this how do i use microneedle am i supposed to run it over my hair? or just bald spots
  9. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    Also what do you think of Zinc Gluconate and Biotin should i try them as well ? i've heard they are worth trying
  10. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    If you don't mind could you explain how Minoxidil works ? I read that it makes the blood vessels wider in order to increase blood flow, but how is it preventing hair from falling off again it doesn't do anything to the main cause DHT. I was really thinking about Finasteride but screw it man too...
  11. J

    Am i balding ? or is it maturing hairline. 20 years old

    Could this be what is called maturing hairline ? or am i balding. Baldness runs through my mother's side her father and brothers started losing their hair when they were around 25 years olds. My father started losing hair lately 50yrs+. From what i know baldness comes through our maternal side...
  12. J

    Am i balding ? 20 years old

    At the age of 20 is not it little bit early? body is not fully developed and i am afraid hormone blockers might ruin everything .And what about the sides how common are they : Gyno, Breast/prostate cancer and is it possible to control them before they go too far ? like what can be the signs that...
  13. J

    Am i balding ? 20 years old

    Could this be what is called maturing hairline ? or am i balding. Baldness runs through my mother's side her father and brothers started losing their hair when they were around 25 years olds. My father started losing hair lately 50yrs+. From what i know baldness comes through our maternal side...