Recent content by inferiorgenetics

  1. I

    almost 3 months and still shedding on minoxidil 5%

    Just give it some more time, man. Have you got on Finasteride/Dutasteride yet? If not, you should hop on one of those asap. Minoxidil will work alone but when combined with finasteride/dutasteride, the results are unbelievable. Throw some 2% ketoconazole shampoo in the mix and you got yourself one potent hair...
  2. I

    2nd shed thread, back with updates. Old post was deleted?

    Exact same story. Been on the Big 3 since March and am experiencing a horrendous 2nd shed since Mid-August. It just hasn't stopped. Everytime I wash, comb, apply minoxidil, even run my fingers through I always end up with at least 10+ hairs coming out. I thought cutting my hair short would give...
  3. I

    I did it

    I like your Mickey Mouse sweatshirt. :woot:
  4. I

    who else here hate most things about them?

    yeah...I hate everything about my appearance. Especially my face. I can't wait until I get plastic surgery, however horrible that may sound. It'll be a lifesaver, especially in my situation. I can't go on living with the way I look...I actually have BDD, body dysmorphic disorder, which causes...
  5. I

    if a cure came out . . . . .

    if the cure came out in the next 10+ years, of course I'd be happy. But it's not going to bring back the time I spent sulking and being depressed about my male pattern baldness. And like other users said, it's going to be f*****g expensive, especially at first, so I won't be able to reap the joys of any remedy...
  6. I

    Angry at the person from whom you have baldness gene?

    I get it from my father's side. My grandfather was bald and so is one of my uncles (NW5or6). My father isn't bald at all, at 50-something, neither of my younger brothers (18, 20) show any signs of balding/thinning. I started balding early, at age 19. The first time someone ever mentioned my bald...