Recent content by Ignitemyhair

  1. I

    Is this a shed or did I ruin my progress

    The reason I'm on the 5 mg on fourths is cause of the price. But yea it might just be in my head. However I'm thinking maybe pills from the Netherlands differ from for example NA. Do 5 mg pills you guys have also have a coating around them?
  2. I

    Is this a shed or did I ruin my progress

    The erection issue isn't there it's just different from when I was on the 1mg finasteride, I can get and maintain the erections but they just feel different(in a positive way). I thought this change was due to me switching up meds and the DHT levels slowly going up in my body. Main point I'm...
  3. I

    Is this a shed or did I ruin my progress

    So a little backstory: I've been on finasteride for about 4 months and was on minoxidil for 2 months stopped for 1 month and started back up again. First three months of finasteride I was on 1 mg finasteride but after the three months I convinced my GP to prescribe me 5 mg finasteride so I can cut it...
  4. I

    1/4th of 5 MG finasteride

    Lol do one of those sides include hair regrowth?
  5. I

    1/4th of 5 MG finasteride

    Okay thx for the replies, I'm pretty sure my physician is not to blame. He's just reading off that finasteride have a coating on them and he's learned that those get dissolved in the stomach acids. Anyways thx for the replies and gll all on your journeys.
  6. I

    1/4th of 5 MG finasteride

    I've been on the big three for about 3 months and been seeing really good progress, but the cost of finasteride is killing me, paying about 60 euros a month. Now my doctor said I can get the 5 mg form and cut in 1/4ths but he said the problem with that is that those pills aren't supposed to be...
  7. I

    minoxidil foam that includes ketoconazole, zinc, and retinol

    seems like a pretty mixture of compounds, but like said might be not up to a certain grade which is honestly recommended.
  8. I

    How Much Do You Spend On Toppik Monthly?

    I don't use em man seems like a hassle, but I can see why people use em seen great results on people.
  9. I

    Cost of finasteride

    Man you're lucky, i'm paying about 60 euros a month