Recent content by hellnah

  1. H

    Hair regrowth journey -- Join me?

    Thanks. Made me feel a little bit better reading your post. I'll definitely check out TheLastHairBenders progress.
  2. H

    Hoping for good results - Record of my treatment

    Wow, that's awesome. I gotta say. You're giving me hope. Keep it up! Do you use Rogaine foam or liquid form? Right now i'm switching between Foam for during the day and liquid at nights. I feel like the liquid really penetrates the scalp. First time I used the liquid all over my head, I lost...
  3. H

    Hair regrowth journey -- Join me?

    I Really want to believe you, but so far it's nothing. I just took a good look at it again. I think it's gotten worse. Just receded even more. I'm seeing 0 results as of yet, and whart I feared the most is happening., as Alex85 said, shedding in the NW4-NW5 area. I've looked at some posts...
  4. H

    Hair regrowth journey -- Join me?

    Update: I won't add any pictures now. I'll wait till one month in. So far, it's bad news for me. What's worse is my mental health seems to be degrading along with my hair which really just sucks to be honest. I woke up the past few days with hair on my pillow. A fair bit of hair. Checked the...
  5. H

    Four month progress on big three regimen

    That's awesome man. I've been taking finasteride and minoxidil for 8 days and my hair got worse. I can see through the hair into the scalp on my left side. Should I stick to it or just use minoxidil? finasteride is starting to scare me as I haven't seen any good from it... Think the hair I lost from taking finasteride would...
  6. H

    Hair regrowth journey -- Join me?

    Thanks. I'm afraid I've lost tons of hair. I think i've started too late :( I will post some updates in a bit. - - - Updated - - - I've been taking Propecia and minoxidil (temples) for 7 days now. Had good and bad days of shedding. Mostly bad. I feel like it's not working for me. I don't know what...
  7. H

    Nizoral 2%,Apparently it's good?

    I bought Nizoral 2% online from ebay. I read some reviews, apparently it somewhat works when used alongside Propecia and minoxidil. I'm on 1mg propecia and minoxidil foam 5%. Has anyone used Nizoral before? Supposed to let it sit in your hair for about 5 minutes then rinse off.
  8. H

    Hair regrowth journey -- Join me?

    How long did it take for you to grow back? I'm on finasteride and Minoxidil 5%. % days now. Don't really notice a difference, but 5 days is too early to tell...
  9. H

    Hair regrowth journey -- Join me?

    Hopefully I'm not too late. From what I've read, very small amount of people experience side effects. I also have a booking with a dermatologist in a few weeks. I just hope I don't receive more crap from people. I asked the new barber I went to to guess how old I was.. he said "29?". Asked him...
  10. H

    Hair regrowth journey -- Join me?

    So I posted a few months ago regarding my hair loss. Despite posting photos, I was criticised and told that it was nothing. That I was only here for attention so I could feel better about myself. It sucked. So, about 2 weeks ago, I finally decided to go to a Doctor. (General Practitioner). He...
  11. H

    20 Just realised losing hair. Very depressing.

    I had posted more pictures of my temples. I don't know why, a moderator hasn't authorised the post. Wasn't allowed to post it I think because I was new. What do you mean by I got what I wanted? What could I possibly gain from this? I have a small, barely noticeable mole on the left side just...
  12. H

    20 Just realised losing hair. Very depressing.

    I wish that were true. I posted some more pictures, waiting for an admin to authorise them. You'll see it in the other pictures. It got me really worried when I was having a haircut, as the barber was combing my hair to cut it, the left side was completely see through. I could see my scalp...
  13. H

    20 Just realised losing hair. Very depressing.

    I'm going to see my doctor relating to it. He'll probably send me to a dermatologist. I appreciate that, really, that you think it's not noticeable. To me, there's a spotlight on that specific area everywhere I go. Thing is, I usually spike my hair to the side, so it's even MORE noticeable then...
  14. H

    20 year old starting to see signs of male pattern baldness

    Apparently masturbating has an effect. Something to do with testosterone? Not too sure.. I might try it. I stopped for 1 day, not as much hair fell out. Then again, that could just be me being so desperate that I'm trying to over interpret any minuscule signs of hope.
  15. H

    20 Just realised losing hair. Very depressing.

    I'm 20. It was pointed out a few months ago that the area around my temple is thinning out. So I started paying attention to it. Turns out it's worse than it seems. I literally, just found out now, that it's worse. It's reaching the middle of my head as you can see from the photos. Just took...