Recent content by Halotd

  1. H

    Minoxidil/Fluridil after Scalp sores are gone - PICS

    Completed my first 100 tabs, things are going well, no side effects to speak of, going to keep going for a year and compare :)
  2. H

    Finasteride on the way!

    Sorry for the late reply. I've been taking it for just over 100 days now, no loss in Libido and erections still come as frequently as ever so as for side effects, I don't seem to be suffering. My friends from uni see me every month or so and they've seen me at my worst and now, they say my...
  3. H

    Persuade me to try finasteride

    brightside, I was in the same boat as you, scared as anything about finasteride in August. 100 tablets of Finpecia arrived yesterday and I started taking them, remember that many of the men who take finasteride experience 0 side effects. Like the side effects forums says, remember that only people with problems...
  4. H

    Finasteride on the way!

    Yeah I know, I'm probably going to reorder from my family soon maybe when have 20 tablets left or so. 100 should last me just over 3 months. I started yesterday :)
  5. H

    Minoxidil/Fluridil after Scalp sores are gone - PICS

    My family in India sent me 100 tablets of Finpecia and I'm on day 2 of taking them so far so my journey has started!
  6. H

    Minoxidil/Fluridil after Scalp sores are gone - PICS

    Nothing wrong with my blood test, all hormones are fine. I'm being sent Finpecia tablets from Family in India. Should arrive soon. RSR38 how are things going? Have you seen any sides? Any new pics?
  7. H

    What type of finasteride are you using? Poll.

    I've ordered Finpecia from family in India to the UK, I'll vote when I get on it, should arrive soon.
  8. H

    Finpecia vs Propecia (updated input?)

    As I understand both Finpecia and Propecia both contain the chemical Finasteride in a 1mg dose. It's like saying which is better? Silver Spoon Brand Sugar or Asda Brand Sugar - doesn't matter they're both crystalline sucrose. Silver Spoon charge more because of brand and originality, Asda are...
  9. H

    A question about Finasteride

    Apparently leaving it that long isn't advised, I've read some people leave it 6 weeks without losing hair but you shouldn't really skip it as there is possibility you'll lose the hair it's kept.
  10. H

    Finasteride on the way!

    Got a 100 1mg tablets of Finpecia on the way from family abroad! After all my fear about finasteride, I got over it and now I can't wait to start. Going to give it at least 3 months no matter what... that's the plan anyway. Any thoughts on splitting 1mg into 0.5mg daily dose? Or 0.5mg twice a day...
  11. H

    Propecia / Finasteride Side Effects - always occur?

    Yup, decided, going to try finasteride for 6 months see what happens, keep my hair buzzed the whole time hopefully. Just going to wait on blood test then discuss with doctor. Thanks for input!
  12. H

    Propecia / Finasteride Side Effects - always occur?

    I keep changing my mind whether to go on finasteride or not, I'm 22 and would like very much to not experience any sexual sides. Do they always occur in everyone to some extent? And I know Dutasteride isn't officially a hair loss drug but would it be worth me taking say 2.5mg of dutasteride (or less) 3 days a...
  13. H

    Minoxidil/Fluridil after Scalp sores are gone - PICS

    Doctor is ordering blood tests to make sure it's not a hormonal problem and be more confident that it's male pattern baldness. Will have more info next week.
  14. H

    Minoxidil/Fluridil after Scalp sores are gone - PICS

    I think you may be right, I used Nutrogena's T-Gel Shampoo (Coal Tar) and it was very good at soothing the itch but I haven't used it since I ran out, using Nizoral 2% now, every other day.
  15. H

    WS6-TA's story - (Back after a 6 year hiatus...)

    I keep changing my mind if I'm going to try finasteride or not, most people note some sexual side effects and I'm not willing to go with that, since everyone gets these sides. I'm going to prob try Fluridil and if not, just Buzz my hair and deal with it ;-)