Recent content by fab4fan

  1. F

    Too early for finasteride shed?

    I've been on finasteride for 2 weeks. 1.25mg every other day. Past few days while applying Rogaine foam I'm seeing more than normal amounts of hair falling out. This happened when I started with the foam too, then it suddenly stopped. I almost look at this as a good sign because my hair got better...
  2. F

    Adam Levine (maroon 5 singer) hair transplant?

    The secret is a big pile of money. Chris P.S. I want in too!
  3. F

    I Took My First finasteride Pill Today.(170DAY UPDATE)added RogaineF

    Re: I Took My First finasteride Pill Today.(30DayUpdate)Little Hairs?? FWIW, I thought much of my initial shed was nizoral too. It seemed to be worst on the days when I used it. I would read in bed and hair was falling onto the pages of my book like mad. Depressing. At some point, the shedding stopped...
  4. F

    Fab4fan's Story (45 /with pics.)

    Re: fab4fan's story (45 M) with pics. Biotin is a B vitamin that is supposed to be good for hair and nail health. When I started this journey, I did a lot of reading about what vitamins I should be taking. I found a multivitamin that met my requirements and contained some Biotin, a while...
  5. F

    Fab4fan's Story (45 /with pics.)

    Re: fab4fan's story (45 M) with pics. Thanks Skell. I have been looking for sides but haven't spotted any yet. My sleep pattern changed a little. That's all I see. How is the finasteride working out for you? Seen anything yet? Good luck to you. f4f
  6. F

    BrofistPowerHug's Story

    You're going to be fine. Do what you can to establish a routine to try and fix your hair. Give it a chance to work (6 months or more), and if it doesn't, try something new. Try very hard not to think about it too much. If I could be my age and have nice hair, or your age and be bald I'd take...
  7. F

    Fab4fan's Story (45 /with pics.)

    Re: fab4fan's story (45 M) with pics. I had a wicked shed the first month or two. Not sure how much of the new hair is actually new (I think some of it is) but what came back is not the thin, wispy, stuff that fell out. Thanks for the encouragement, friend! f4f
  8. F

    Fab4fan's Story (45 /with pics.)

    Re: fab4fan's story (45 M) with pics. Not exactly looking good but it is looking better and I am pretty pleased with myself for sticking with it. In 6 months I've missed a few applications here and there. Never two in one day. I'm gonna keep going with it sure. It's a pretty easy and...
  9. F

    Hair Color Change (New photo)

    Until I was 35 I had the thickest hair you can imagine. When it started to thin I was actually happy because I could try some other hair things. I rocked a Beatles haircut for far too long! Then it started leaving in droves. I kind of wish I had started treatment about five years ago...
  10. F

    Fab4fan's Story (45 /with pics.)

    Why is somebody changing the name of my post on a daily basis? With misspellings to boot! I started Rogaine foam and nizoral early April 2010. No start photo. Had a positively evil shed. Here is a photo from the top with flash. It didn't look quite so thin in natural light as anybody who has...
  11. F

    Hair Color Change (New photo)

    Re: Hair Color Change My hair changed color in an area where I am not applying Rogaine. About an inch worth of hair all around my head from above one ear, around the back along my neck, to the other ear. It is very noticeable in person in my bathroom but I had a hard time getting a photograph...
  12. F

    KDL84's Story- Shaved Pics and comments added 10/11/10

    Re: KDL84 - 6 New Pics and comments on P.2 added 9/21/10 That buzz cut suits you. If I saw you out at a bar I'd probably cuss you out under my breath. "Why is it some guys bald and look like that when I look like I do?" The big three are cheap enough where you can try them out for a year...
  13. F

    Rogaine or Fluocinolone Acetonide?

    When I need Rogaine I go to the Rogaine web site. Join their club and print the coupon. It's for $10 off any Rogaine product (3 month supply I think.) I've printed three thus far. Then I go to Wal-Mart and buy a three pack of foam for 35 bucks. (It is much easier to use than the liquid, at...
  14. F

    KDL84's Story- Shaved Pics and comments added 10/11/10

    Re: KDL84's Story - (Big 3 Start Update) I started finasteride a week ago too. No sides for me thus far. Still wake up in the same state I have for the past 30 years. Still able to perform. I felt very agressive one day which is unusual for me. I might have just been in a bad mood. minoxidil for...
  15. F

    Hair Color Change (New photo)

    Re: Hair Color Change I'm 45. I just looked at it really close. It has gotten really dark. Top looks about as gray as normal. I call them supplements. Saw Palmetto extract, Biotin, Multi Vitamin. Just added Omega Three fish oil but more for joint health I think although I see it written...