Recent content by Erik713

  1. Erik713

    Anyone see Oprah's show? Holy Crap!

    Hairy - I saw it too. VERY emotional, especially when the mother of the driver spoke with her. Funny, I was flipping too at that same moment.
  2. Erik713

    What is T/Gel ?

    I use the stubborn itch control version of T/gel. Since Nizoral is only supposed to be used once every three days, my head got REALLY itchy and flaky on the other two days. I decided to use T/gel on the other two days with great success.
  3. Erik713

    T-Gel question

    Stubborn Itch control - .5% neutar and menthol...'s like cigs for your head :)
  4. Erik713

    Shed/Regrowth Cycles

    When I started minoxidil and finasteride, I noticed an immediate increase in the numbers of hairs in the drain in the shower. Hair up front got a bit thinner, but now, two and a half months later, the drain is finally starting to look a little clearer, and the fuzz I had at one month is now actually...
  5. Erik713

    significance of widow's peak?

    Yeah, I had a widow's peak in HS, and before I started treatment, the island was forming pretty noticeably. Just commenting.
  6. Erik713

    Wanna do something about this... please help =\

    Sadsad - I use T-gel Stubborn Itch Control two days out of three (the other day is nizoral). On the days I use t-gel, I really think my hair is pretty soft and not very dead. However, on that third day (the Nizoral day), it usually is pretty dry. It's a trade off, but at least I get 2/3 of my...
  7. Erik713

    shouldn't some people be approaching one year on dutasteride?

    While there's obviously thickening, keep in mind that the length of his hair is also extremely different from start to finish. In addition, some are with flash, some are without, his hair styles are different as well. There are lots of variables between the picture, but his progress still...
  8. Erik713

    what does god say about baldness...

    ...Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. We're all sinners, according to God. If youngguy's original argument (not the stupid gay/not gay arguments) holds true, then we'd all have AIDS and no one would have any hair.
  9. Erik713

    Two Months and counting!

    Tightlips - Thanks dude. You keep your fight up as well :)
  10. Erik713

    Two Months and counting!

    la - sorry it took so long. I've been super busy. If I look in the shower drain in the morning, I still see more hair there when I'm using minoxidil then when I haven't (sometimes I forget or whatever) used it for a day or two. After 6 or 7 weeks, I noticed that it appeared that there were less...
  11. Erik713

    Two Months and counting!

    Here's my obligatory two-month update. When I started my treatment, I had a somewhat receeded hairline -- I would guess a Norwod 2.5 or so. Over the last two months, I've taken Propecia daily, and used generic Minoxidil 5% once a day before going to bed. In addition I also use One-A-Day Men's...
  12. Erik713

    Website legit?

    I hear they're pretty good, with the exception of this guy who goes by "Axon" or something on their forums.
  13. Erik713

    Where to get Minoxidil

    costco, walgreens, a&p... Just buy the generic stuff.
  14. Erik713


    heh. don't worry, i never claimed to be funny. seriously, the reason companies claim something is to make money. If it's not FDA approved, then I wouldn't trust them blindly.
  15. Erik713

    Dutasteride + Finasteride

    Ok, if Finasteride is a type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, and Dutasteride is a type I and type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, wouldn't taking both be asinine?