Recent content by DrHerway

  1. D

    Stopping minoxidil after 8 month - My Strategy

    If itching is a problem, you should try a propylene glycol free formulation. For most people, itching and flaking is due to propylene glycol and not due to the minoxidil itself. Tapering off as you have suggested may help make the loss of minoxidil-induced gains more gradual but ultimately you...
  2. D

    Upping Topical Minoxidil from 5% or Switching Brands After 10+ Years

    I should add that you need to find a doctor that is using a licensed compounding pharmacy that is licensed in your state. Any solution with a concentration above 5% is a specialty compounded formula and therefore has to be compounded by a licensed pharmacy with a physicians prescription. Any one...
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    Upping Topical Minoxidil from 5% or Switching Brands After 10+ Years

    We routinely bump patients up to higher concentration minoxidil solutions and see great success with it. Usually 10-15% depending on the patient and situation. Usually require that they have been on 5% solutions for at least 6 months prior to increasing the dose.
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    Am I losing hair? ****ADVICE NEEDED*** 21 YEAR OLD MALE

    Your hair loss is not significant from the photos and someone who doesn't know the baseline hairline and thickness of your hair won't be able to tell. But generally if a patient notices a thinning in an male pattern baldness distribution and there is a genetic predisposition, then its usually real. My only...
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    I got side effects from finasteride, and I need help.

    Many of the sexual side effects dissipate over time. Its generallu worth stay the course for 6 months and reevaluate then.
  6. D

    Am I losing hair? ****ADVICE NEEDED*** 21 YEAR OLD MALE

    At your age and progression if male pattern baldness, I would steer clear of PRP. Its expensive, not a proven therapy, and unlikely to be something you can do periodically throughout life.
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    How should I best prepare for finasteride?

    I agree that finasteride alone at first is a good way to go. Compliance is the name of the game in successfully treating hair loss and patients are much more compliant with finaateride than with minoxidil. Seeing how you do with finadteride first can make your decision on what to do about...
  8. D

    Using both Oral and Topical Minoxidil

    I would not recommend combining oral and topical minoxil unless you are under the close supervision of a physician. Risk of serious side effects is too great. But presumably you already are since you on oral minoxidil.