Recent content by DPAMan

  1. D

    I Wrote An Article On What It Feels Like To Go Bald

    Excellent read. Maybe it's not too late to submit it somewhere.
  2. D

    Does Your Hair Change From Summer To Winter?

    Not a fail thread at all, but it would probably have gotten more attention if it had been posted in Impact. I would say winter, but it is hard to say because I cut my hair shorter in the summer anyway these days.
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    More Evidence Of What Women Think Of Balding/hat Guys

    Now that is awful. The guy in the picture is clearly hurt and she's deflecting. Do people not care that the Internet never forgets? The things people do for Facebook likes...
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    James Franco Shaves His Head For 'zeroville'.

    He doesn't look terrible bald. I'd hit.
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    20 Year Old Thinning/receding - What Do I Have? Making Me Servery Anxious And Depressed :(

    It does look like there may be miniaturization along the temple points (spaces between the sides). I might even see some diffusion on top in the last pic, but that may be a trick of the light. No area is safe from male pattern baldness, sadly, nor is there really a "normal" pattern guaranteed to happen to every —...
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    Has Anyone Just Shaved It Off To See?

    I shaved my head once long before I started losing it. Not a good look. :D
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    Any Experience With Laser Combs?

    The hair specialist I saw was trying to push that on me; it would have cost the same as a cheap hair transplant. No thanks.
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    Jack Nicklaus

    Right, there's really no way to know how far one's hairloss will progress, no matter how early or late it starts. For those curious and not in the mood to Google, here is how Jack Niklaus looks today: His hairline has receded since that picture in the OP, but good coverage for a guy pushing...
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    Why My Identical Twin Is Norwood 0 And Me Norwood 2,5

    Hmm, I dunno; in the second pic (the first one doesn't show), their actual hairlines don't look far apart if at all; it seems more like an illusion caused by the twin on the right's bangs. @michel sapin : Yeah, it's odd. A friend of mine is balding and has an identical twin (or at least they...
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    Hair Loss Concealers In Heavy Rain/sweat?

    I guess it would depend on the brand. I use Toppik, and it doesn't come out when I sweat or when my hair gets wet. It only comes out when I wash my hair with shampoo.
  11. D

    Opinions On My Hair.

    Looks fine to me. But continue to take more pics over the next few years just in case.
  12. D

    Here Again After Two Years. Diffuse Thinner Maybe?

    If your hair is thick and full when you grow it out, it would make me wonder if you were balding at all. Is that picture with your hair grown out after you buzzed it? Regardless, like @Roberto_72 said, there's no one thinning pattern, and there does look to be thinning in your scalp, and to a...
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    What Happened To Alldaychemist?

    I really hope AllDayChemist is not down for good...
  14. D

    Hairline 5/6 Years Later... Any Differences? Hairline Receding?

    Your hairline may not be as perfectly straight as in the older photos, but not to the point where anyone would put you above a NW1. Regardless, I think it's a good idea to take these kinds of pictures; I recommend you keep taking pics of your hair over the next few years. If you do start losing...