Recent content by doomer2019

  1. D

    Which Norwood Am I, And Finasteride Or Dutasteride(19)

    thinking of getting on dutatasteride. thoughts?
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    (19) Finasteride Or Dutasteride For Crown?

    I wouldn’t be so sure about 0 thinning.. Here’s my dry hair.
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    (19) Finasteride Or Dutasteride For Crown?

    ? The start of the video shows what it looks like when i part my hair on the back of my head. You can see the part is quite thin, and then i move up to the crown and it’s all gone
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    (19) Finasteride Or Dutasteride For Crown?

    How bad is my crown? Video starts out with me parting hair on the back of my head, followed by showing crown parting Hair parted at back of head VS hair parted at crown Dry Crown
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    Guys My Exgirlfriend Is Chad's Cumdumpster Now.

    This is one of the saddest things. So many great men turned to cuckolds because they just love her despite all the garbage
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    Guys My Exgirlfriend Is Chad's Cumdumpster Now.

    Why do you think that’s the case?
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    300 Hairs Lost A Day At 19. Cowlick Or Balding?

    How? I’ve got a huge bald spot at 19 and lose 200 hairs );
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    300 Hairs Lost A Day At 19. Cowlick Or Balding?

    Noticed shedding like earlier this year. The “bald spot” looks kinda the same as it always has. Worth noting went through stressful event earlier this year and had a sh*t diet for the first time in years, also grew hair out longer
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    300 Hairs Lost A Day At 19. Cowlick Or Balding?

    I lost about 150 hairs in the shower today. Now granted I didn’t wash my hair for about a week, but still seems excessive. Is it time for treatment ?
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    19 - Crown Starting To Thin Rapidly. What Treatment Options

    I lose upwards of 80-100 hairs in shower. How dire is my situation??
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    High Shedding On Start Of Big 3, Small Hairs, Includes Pics

    What made you get on the big 3? Did u notice shedding before hand
  12. D

    Is This Image Surefire Proof I’m Balding?(19)

    ive attached an image of two hairs. Left: Pulled from the side of my head. Right: Strand of hair was found on pillow. Losing about 100 hairs a day. Notice hair on shoulders/notebook/coming out in shower. Should I get on finasteride just based on this image alone?