Recent content by dimitri

  1. D

    Sperm Production and long term finasteride use - study....

    I got the dilemma too, am worried about birth defects to be honest if I take the proscar, not started a family yet, and have not seen conclusive stats to see if a pattern exists to correlate with use of the drug by fathers to be
  2. D


    anyone used em?been advised to go for proscar 5mg and chop into 1mg bits, only issue is the concern i have as I plan to start a family and there are no known studies on how it affects men as i can wait till we start the family and then get the medication but maybe too late as my hair...
  3. D

    family planning and taking finasteride(fincar, finpecia etc)

    thanks for the feedback, back to the point if guessing how much I have lost, I will take photos on a regular basis, as I think i have receded slowly on one temple much more than the other and my hairline in front I guess has retreated, is it possible that it will stop receding?or is it usually...
  4. D

    family planning and taking finasteride(fincar, finpecia etc)

    Gubter87 thanks, Medication is notoriously pricey here, very very, a standard pack of say paracetamol sets you back like 8-9dollars, is there anywhere I can get the finasteride online that you get?or is it only prescription>? the fella in India is selling $145 for a years supply of finpecia...
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    family planning and taking finasteride(fincar, finpecia etc)

    Thanks for the reply, the more I think about it the worse I feel - hairloss that is, I can get it out of my head, nearly had 2 accidents on my scooter to work as my mind wanders, ok Finpecia I am having difficulty sourcing it here in cyprus, but have found one chap in India who buys from...
  6. D

    Finax - generic finasteride

    Hmmm I have the same question, with a slight twist, I need to know who ships to a European destination i.e cyprus, and at a decent price?it is proving difficlut to find anysite that looks remotely genuine, plus prescription free would be good....
  7. D

    family planning and taking finasteride(fincar, finpecia etc)

    sorry if I offended, but i feel old now......
  8. D

    family planning and taking finasteride(fincar, finpecia etc)

    thanks Timbo, life has been nuts recently being of mediterranean origin we had a big scare over whether we both had the thalassaemia gene trait= 25% chance of an very ill child , dr.s got her dna results wrong so we are good to go with a family, so will look to a reliable place to pick up...
  9. D

    Can you get away with using .02mg of finesteride?

    Ok so I found this on wikipedia but doe it apply?, can you get away with using the medicines in smaller amounts? Possible health concerns The UC Berkeley Wellness Letter expressed concern in March 2003 about the unproven long-term safety of Propecia and recommended cutting a standard...
  10. D

    family planning and taking finasteride(fincar, finpecia etc)

    Todd ta for the reply, so making children as far as you know is ok whilst on these medications that contain finasteride? and the only concern is keeping the tablets away from the wife? ok good, as things stand I will be happy in preventing any further loss, it has started at my temple region...
  11. D

    family planning and taking finasteride(fincar, finpecia etc)

    Thanks for the quick reply, may refrain from taking any yet and keep a careful look at my forehead and see if my hair grows after a haircut as it used to do , after all the active ingredients of any of the medicines will show up in semen I guess and that in turn is going to end up in the woman's...
  12. D

    family planning and taking finasteride(fincar, finpecia etc)

    Hi there, I am 37 and recently got married, wife though has pointed out to me that the hair at my temples has thinned and in places gone, I never noticed, but I think she is right! sooo I am tempted to start one of the many treatments around ...the pressure is on though to start a family even at...