Recent content by Dedge89

  1. Dedge89

    28 year old i got back my adolescent hairline and thickness..

    To be honest, I have heard/read brilliant reviews for Lipogaine and I think I've seen the same video the OP is talking about with the steroids guy (he does alot of videos on hair loss and comes across as a fairly intelligent person who has researched and experimented with alot of regimes) and...
  2. Dedge89

    what hair cut is best for diffuse thinning??????????????//

    Hey dude, I'm a diffuse thinner aswell and I found that #2 on top and #1 on the sides is probably the best way to cover it up. Growing your hair long will just make it obvious because the hair on the sides will be longer/thicker so its always wiser to cut it shorter on the sides. If you have a...
  3. Dedge89

    Why are balding men having children?

    Your second line is painful. 'My parents are regretting giving birth to me'. It's really, really, REALLY sad that you have put the burden of this on your parents to the point where they feel personally responsible for your pain, caused by a genetic DICE ROLL. Infact, this is one of the most...
  4. Dedge89

    1 Year Update (Finasteride + Rogaine Foam)

    Haha! Sorry guys, It has been a very long time. I carried on my regime for a few more months, however I dropped minoxidil (Rogaine Foam) for a good 6-7 months as I was developing extreme dark eye circles and had to attempt to identify the culprit. For those of you that are interested, my dark...
  5. Dedge89

    Wow, shallow women's post about leaving balding husband

    Man I'm not really surprised by that post. Like someone said earlier we are biologically attracted to certain features and it's just stronger for some people than others. Personally, I don't find overweight chicks attractive but does that make me a really shallow person? It's just not my thing...
  6. Dedge89

    Getting amazing results with my regimen, but have questions?

    Nice results man! Ignore the shed, you'll make up the lost ground eventually and push it further, your hair is going to go through cycles of getting worse temporarily then better but in the long run it will always be improving upon your baseline. Also, has anyone ever told you you kind of look...
  7. Dedge89

    1 Year Update (Finasteride + Rogaine Foam)

    Wow, thanks man, appreciate the compliment! Yeah, quite a few of my female friends have told me to shave my hair off after seeing it long, saying it suits me better really short :dunno: Micropigmentation looks interesting and it would definitely help improve the appearance of density on my...
  8. Dedge89

    1 Year Update (Finasteride + Rogaine Foam)

    Hey guys, So it's just been a year now since I've started using Rogaine Foam and Finasteride and from these pictures I'm quite pleased with the results so far. I've been applying the foam in the general crown area and the hairline, though it hasn't been consistent and a lot of days I would only...
  9. Dedge89

    Thinning since 13. Is there any hope for me? (pictures)

    Get onto finasteride/Rogaine and Nizoral as mentioned, will probably do you wonders aslong as you don't get sides. Also, someone said buzz it down to a grade 4 but from the pictures it already looks around that length if not just abit longer so probably best to buzz it down to like a 1 or 2 and it will...
  10. Dedge89

    19 Year old needing advice! :)

    Wow, like everyone has already mentioned the difference between the two pictures is amazing. From the first picture I would say you are the envy of many a hairloss sufferer but you hide the truth really well. Your hairlines receeded quite a bit and it would be very wise to get onto Finasteride...
  11. Dedge89

    Protein Shakes/Weight Training do speed up balding

    I don't understand really how Whey Protein could promote balding lol, weight training on the other hand can make sense since you are temporarily elevating T levels right? Which means more DHT right? Sorry, I've never been too into the theory of balding but I assume that is right, however I also...
  12. Dedge89

    Do you guys have these lines?

    This is possibly going to be the most random post I have created however it relates to the Minoxidil (and possible Finasteride from what I've heard) effect of collagen synthesis and hence the assumption of accelerated aging/wrinkles. As you guys know once you're hit with hairloss you suddenly...
  13. Dedge89

    How many of you guys use concealers such as Toppik?

    Well since the hairs on my hairline are thinner when I apply Toppik over that area is just automatically thickens the hairs and gives me a straighter looking hairline with no hassle. I'll rub off any of the excess fibres off of my forehead and during the day it doesn't seem to naturally leak...
  14. Dedge89

    what do you guys think?

    Receeding hairline. Seems to be no diffuse balding across the top though so you're lucky in that sense. Like previously mentioned I'd recommend getting onto Min and finasteride. Minoxidil really helped my hairline in the first 6 months, it's not as good now as then but still better than baseline. Hope...
  15. Dedge89

    How reliable is Family history

    Very reliable considering male pattern baldness is genetically passed down. My dads lost most of it on top while my maternal grandfather is a slick NW5. My paternal grandfather and uncle however have their hair, so my dad got very unlucky lol! I seem to be going the same way as my dad but he's held on pretty...