Recent content by dannyboyuk

  1. D

    what can I do?

    ok sorry about that, I hadn't picked up on that. ill research on nizarol and probably get some. But im really not prepared to risk permanent sexual dysfunction just for a bit of hair gain... ok a better head of hair might help me get laid.. but what the point if I can't perform when it comes to...
  2. D

    what can I do?

    i suppose that would probably be the logical thing to do... shave it off and then keep applying the rogaine (would be easier to apply to scalp) and then maybe consider the medication? the doctor would probably perscribe it to me - because my hairloss is one of the causes of my depression. but...
  3. D

    TOppik reveiw

    help! ive been trying to apply the toppik. im only balding in the frontal areas of my hair.... any my temples are receeding too. (Im not looking to bring my hairline forward) just fill in the thinning area on top of my scalp. Im sure Ive got plenty of hair left in this area for toppik to be...
  4. D

    what can I do?

    ok thanks for your advice. as the person before mentioned... the whole shaved head thing looks better on someone with a more muscly build.... and Im rather on the skinny side of life... so Im obviously a bit worried about what thats going to look like!
  5. D

    what can I do?

    I understand it is probably time just to shave it all off.... .....that just takes a lot of guts. and once its done... if you don't like it... you're kinda stuck with it.
  6. D

    what can I do?

    ok thanks for your honesty!
  7. D

    what can I do?

    yeah maybe I should just see how the minoxidil goes to start with. and the jury seems to be out when it comes to using minoxidil together with alpecin.... so im not sure there. thanks for everyones advice anyway!
  8. D

    what can I do?

    but there are SO many possible side effects (after doing a bit of research) including reports from doctors that many people have become permanently inpotent after taking this drug for even a short while. I don't think I am willing to risk that, just to be able to grow my hair again! I have...
  9. D

    what can I do?

    wow. that is a very interesting fact to know. Ive wondered before it was some kind of hormone inbalance that is making my body very hairy and my head very bald. I might look into it then. would this be something a doctor would need to perscribe? Also... I wouldn't like to start taking them...
  10. D

    what can I do?

    thanks sir chugalot. well basically I have only just stared doing things about my hairloss. (i should really have taken action sooner. but oh well) I don't know a lot about dht inhibitor. one thing that puts me off is that I am also quite hairy, body-wise. would this type of medication cause...
  11. D

    what can I do?

    another pic. this one makes it look a lot worse. do i still have enough? the bright flash from the camera makes it look a bit worse than it actually does normally.
  12. D

    what can I do?

    ok thanks ill keep trying with it. Ive only practiced with it twice. maybe im putting too much in. it just seems to fall straight through to my scalp. 1 sprinkle seems to make no difference, so I keep on shaking more on... result = loads on my scalp. I also have the toppik fiber holding spray...
  13. D

    what can I do?

    hi Im new. please see attached photo of my head. my hair on top has been thinning for the past few years. im 25 years old. Ive JUST started using rogaine / regaine foam on the effected area. what else should I do? also, I'm on antidepressants which can cause hair loss? do you think this is...