Recent content by Christian

  1. C

    Does oily hair cause hair loss?

    That's interesting. I suspected that high sebum excretion is a cause of hair loss. Not directly but I believe that the oil on the scalp provides ample food for PBacteria which when they consume the oil creates havoc due to its acidic byproducts. This seems like a cause of dandruff. I...
  2. C

    Does oily hair cause hair loss?

    Hi people. I feel that sebum excretion is the cause of hair loss. At least in my case I couldn't help but notice how oily it is and I have acne as well. I can't help but notice that the people I see who have thick fluff of hair typically have dry hair and skin. Has anyone noticed the...
  3. C

    T/Sal in the UK?

    Same here in Canada I've looked but can't seem to find TSal in Canada Has anyone in Canada been able to find it anywhere?
  4. C

    Does washing the hair 2x per day help or make it worse?

    Thank you Yello911 Yello911 Thanx for sharing. My hair or what's left of it definitely looks better after a shower and it seems that if I wash and rinse lightly twice a day it seems to help control itchiness and removes the oil. My scalp and hair is also rather oily. I also noticed I have...
  5. C

    Diet and hair loss - What foods promote healthy hair growth?

    People, I was wondering if there is a connection between diet and hair loss. According to the below article ... reated.asp a diet rich in animal fats supposedly aggravates baldness. But according to the below and some other articles I came...
  6. C

    Does washing the hair 2x per day help or make it worse?

    Does anyone know if it is healthy for scalp and hair growth if you wash the hair 2x per day - once in the morning and once at night? Would it help to reduce scalp oils by preventing DHT recirculating and remove surface sebum from choking follicles? I wash my face 2 to 3 x per day and this...
  7. C

    Is it good to use Nizoral every day?

    People, please help. For quite some time my poor diet has caused severe seborhic dermatisis and psoriasis. :( I've just recently gotten it under some control. Anyone with experience using Nizoral on a daily basis? Since it is a mild anti androgen would everday use help further or...