Recent content by chrisp

  1. C


    hey hellouser, thanks for the advice I will keep it in mind! I was just wondering if anyone out there had tried a study just focusing on one temple
  2. C


    I am curious to find out if anyone in this forum has conducted a study using, say minoxidil/s5 etc., on one side of their temples and then nothing on the other? I know realistically everyone's main concerns are improving both temples but studying the role of topicals being applied on one temple...
  3. C

    17 and receding hair! need help

    Most people who have started finasteride and min have said the first few months involve shedding, so yeah I doubt you'd see improvements during that period. Best thing to do is stick at it, give it at least a year and see if it's made any improvements?
  4. C

    17 and receding hair! need help

    oh okay. Would finasteride be the only way forward for dealing with the hairloss on the temples and thinning at the front then?
  5. C

    17 and receding hair! need help

    Hey guys, so it's almost a year on since I made my last post, and admittedly, I gave up with the treatment after abour 2 and a half months if I remember correctly. But I have decided I'm going to stick to a regime this time and hopefully make some gains. As expected, I have continued to lose...
  6. C

    17 and receding hair! need help

    okay thanks for the advice guys! it's good to be back on here after a week in russia haha! hope you're all good. i think im going to book an appointment with my local GP and go from there, but finasteride seems to be the best place to start, is it prescribed or do i need to buy it from a store or...
  7. C

    17 and receding hair! need help

    thanks man! hope uni is going well for you? yeah im away next week but i'll definitely book an appointment when i'm home afterwards, it's good to see someone else at a young age on treatment! what's your opinions on the long term effects of finasteride though? i've heard talks of a loss of sex drive...
  8. C

    17 and receding hair! need help

    Hey guys! This has taken me a while to do as I've always been putting it off but now is the time for action! I've noticed my hair has begun to recede quite drastically over the past year...(see photos) and now is the time to take action in my opinion, i've heard it's best to catch it while it's...