Recent content by brib

  1. B

    Hair Replacement Stylists - Amsterdam / Holland

    Hi there, I am looking to find hair replacement stylists / salons in Amsterdam or somewhere around Holland / Belgium. Does anyone know of anyone or have any details? Thanks
  2. B

    finasteride and hair cycles - advice needed.

    Also I was shedding loads from the sides and the back too on the higher dose.
  3. B

    finasteride and hair cycles - advice needed.

    I never lost or gained anything whilst on finasteride, however as I reduced the dose from 1mg to .25mg the scalp irritation has slow decreased and now cleared up. I am thinking about maybe just taking .25mg daily or E.O.D. To be honest, the scalp pain was driving me mad and I am relieved it has gone and...
  4. B

    finasteride and hair cycles - advice needed.

    11 months on finasteride, wasn't losing hair when I started, only took it as a preventative measure. Don't have a family history of baldness except from my mums dad who receded like me in his late teens but still had the same amount of hair and hairline when he died. finasteride gave me a sore scalp,that has...
  5. B

    Question about finasteride and body hair

    Opps my bad I thought you said increase instead of decrease but it still is the same thing in terms of looking for things that might not happen and if it does most folkwould take that as an added bonus.
  6. B

    Question about finasteride and body hair

    Why look for changes before they have happened or might never happen? Isn't that just madness? Unless you turn into Harry from the Henderson's over night then just relax... and if you do wax it off and stick it to your head. Life is to short to start looking for trivial sh@t like this before...
  7. B

    finasteride and hair cycles - advice needed.

    Quick update guys, I think I have been definately looking for hairs... still shedding but have cut back on finasteride and the other crap and my scalp doesn't hurt anymore... don't think I needed finasteride in the first place as my hairloss has been stable since I was 17 and maybe finasteride messed with my...
  8. B

    finasteride and hair cycles - advice needed.

    Thanks man, I have went back to my baseline photos and my hair looks the same if not slightly thicker now, so I am hoping it is regrowth as it has been happening for 3 to 4 months at the start it was inch long hairs and now it is about 2 inch long or maybe slightly longer hairs that are being...
  9. B

    I cried today

    Hey man, I am sorry to hear of your situation. I might be going against the grain with this advice but maybe you should try a wig because hair transplants and treatments will never get you back to a decent head of hair as you have aggressive hairloss. If it doesnt suit take it off and hell it...
  10. B

    finasteride and hair cycles - advice needed.

    Yeah, did this happen to you before you started finasteride? I am sure this didn't happen before I started finasteride and my hair looks roughly the same since it started so am hoping it is reversing the miniaturization process. Does anybody know that when miniaturized hair starts to regrow under treatment -...
  11. B

    finasteride and hair cycles - advice needed.

    60 people have viewed this but only one answer common, help please.
  12. B

    finasteride and hair cycles - advice needed.

    Thanks for the reply. So you think it is more likely the early stages of regrowth rather than hairloss progressing?
  13. B

    finasteride and hair cycles - advice needed.

    Hi there, I have been on finasteride for 11 months and need some advice please. I have about the same amount of hair since I started finasteride, cant really tell if it has improved or got worse and god knows I have looked. However, in the last few months I am shedding loads of short hairs maybe about an inch...
  14. B

    Warning to all regarding Nizoral!

    Dear all, Just a word of warning for all using - or should i say over using keto 2% shampoo. Two months ago i started using nizoral three times a week for 5 minutes after reading it from here. The first month was fine, then after that i noticed a few shorter than normal hairs shedding, but...