Recent content by Born4Hair

  1. B


    Glutathione Reduced will not work. Its split already in the liver. The rest Glutathoine in Bloodstream is to a big Molekuel to pass inside the Cell. Wheat Sprouts increase Glutathoine production. Also NRF2 Activator products increase Glutathoine level very well. After if you have reached a...
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    My Theory for this is. We have to programms for Life. The one is for Reproduction and the seconde is for Long Life. If you look Androgenetic Alopecia is also a big part of Androgenetic Alopecia related. With NRF 2 Pathway for Gen activation can switch on Longe live. If you dont in reproduction Mode (no sex, masturbation) the...
  3. B

    Does curcumin plus resveratol work

    You can look for NRF 2 Activator products. I will activate some Gens where rise up Glutathoine Level.
  4. B


    Hi guys. I staring to use Wheatsprouts, NRF 2 Activator and S-Acetyl Glutathoine. Specially the NRF2 Pathway over Gen activation is very promising :) Sillmaryn for regenerate the Liver. Future Nem will be Niacinamid in high Dosage with Sauna. This is the best way for Detox the body. But be...
  5. B

    Treatment of male pattern baldness.... results from 1988!

    Oral intakte is sad of oils because its only additional stress to liver. Toxine binding to Fat Cells and store down. So first detox your body before you intake oil. Boswellic Acid (LOX 5 Blocker) prevent the converstaion to the AA Acid. Have a look on Topical Hair Adrenalin. You will find...
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    Newly Discovered Factor in Androgenetic Alopecia. The Cure is Near?

    The Source of Androgenetic Alopecia is the Food Androgenic Alpozie doesnt exsist. We have the same amount of Gens (Genome) like a simply Worm. The Food and other environmental factors have a big Impact on our Life and faster Aging from our Hairs. Specialy Toxine, Heavy Metals from medics block so much...
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    Dickkopf 1 promotes regression of hair follicles.

    Theaflavine Reduce the overexpression from DKK1 and reduce DHT better than finasteride. Teaflavine are in Black Tea but not in Green Tea (Becuase Teaflavine are fermentent Catcheins) Blacktea in the morning and after sport rise also down the Cholesterin level. Recomend is 2-4 Cups black tee per day...
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    Newly Discovered Factor in Androgenetic Alopecia. The Cure is Near?

    GSH Level Rooibosh is usefull to reduce GSSG back to reduced GSH. Somewhere i read that should be a minimum from 6 Cups Tee per Day. But should be a problem because its tasty and havent coffeine. (Coffeine blockts alot Enyms and decrese the resorbation from Zink) Green Rooibosh may have more...
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    Newly Discovered Factor in Androgenetic Alopecia. The Cure is Near?

    15-d-PGJ2 / Glutathoine Hi Guys. The Pathy to PGD2 / 15-d-PGJ2 is a emergency programm from our body for protect us from cancer / tumor. 15-d-PGJ2 have anti inflammation properties and anti tumor properties. And why you will ask? Becuase the GSH level is reduced (Glutathoine) It can have many...