Recent content by becksfan1986

  1. B

    Forehead lines (Minoxidil)

    Here is my explanation. This wrinkles don't come from the minoxidil but from our facial daily expression. When I started to lose my hair, it started with a receding hairline and to try to reduce my forehead I started to contract my frontal muscle which result in a course of wrinkles. Now I refrain...
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    Why the horseshoe pattern?

    I have an idea and I already gave it a few weeks ago. I've noticed that many of the earlier male pattern baldness horse-shoe pattern have got a very special shape of forehead. 2 bumps in the middle and twol lines wich are going to the temples than reach the occipital area... It's quite strange that I find this...
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    CBS Evening News tommorow...balding cure

    You'are all talking about HM as if it was coming. I wish I can share you optimistic point of view. I mean, we'are arguing about the price but it seems so far... I hope I'm wrong. I mean it's very hard to believe that it will come in a few years. Maybe it will but I don't want to wait all my life...
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    SHedding ... I Need Your HELP

    Here is my story . Started fina 4 months ago. Good results the first three months. Now sheding since 1 month and hair is just thinning all over. I mean in just a month my hair become awful. the first two weeks of shed i shedded good and thick hairs and now I'm shedding small and thin hairs. What...
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    Link between forehead and hair loss???

    Here is another link with Nicolas Cage : ... as&seq=139 I try to convice myself that there is no link but they are many proofs of people loosing their hair quite fast and very young who have this shape of forehead. Maybe I'm wrong, but I wanted to...
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    Link between forehead and hair loss???
  7. B

    Link between forehead and hair loss???

    Here are other pics that show the shape of forehead I'm talking about : ... D%26sa%3DN I hope I'm wrong. Maybe it's my mind who is playing me some tricks. I think it may have a link with a...
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    Link between forehead and hair loss???

    I'm 19 years old and I was diagnosed a few months ago with male pattern baldness. I've noticed something that I told to my doctor that laugh at me. My question is : is there a link between the shape of your forehead and male pattern baldness? I explain myself. A few months ago when I start to lose my hair, I've noticed that it was...
  9. B

    Shedding starting again

    I've lived the same, minoxidil makes my hair shed at first than it was great for two months then, it started again to shed. The second time I started propecia and it stops directly my hair loss. But now three months later I'm starting a new shed with propecia and it's far more agressive than the...
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    Shedding at month 3

    Thank you for your advice. I hope it will work. This shedding is desesperating me. I hope it isn't reflex hyperandrogenicity.
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    Shedding at month 3

    Please respond, I'm totally dipressed. Please share your experiences. I try to find a similar problem on this forum and I find nothing.
  12. B

    Shedding at month 3

    Hi ev, I'm not an english native speaker so excuse me for my mistakes. Here is my situation. I'm 19 years old and I'm taking fina since 4 months. The first three months were really great. My hair loss totally stop and ma hair was getting thicker. Then suddenly when I started my fourth month of...