Recent content by BaldieLocks

  1. B

    Gel-like seamen!

    Erections are also more difficult to keep hard and orgasms are weaker. I'm gonna go for a blood test in the near future and will update with results.
  2. B

    Gel-like seamen!

    :jackit: If anyone else got the grosse sperm thing, please and let me know if its dangerous or if it passed.
  3. B

    Gel-like seamen!

    Hey. About a year one finasteride now and my sperm is the same. It contains some kind of thick gooey substains. I orgasm quite quickly as well. Don't know if thats related to the finasteride though - some of you guys might have some info on that. I take about 1.25mg a day, which might be too much?
  4. B

    Suggestions for haircut? (photos)

    For the love of Darwin, buzz that sh*t. I'm pretty sure you'll look good with it.
  5. B

    Propecia and nizoral 5 months (24 yo) (1 yr 3 month update)

    Re: Propecia and nizoral 5 months (24 yo) What were the side effects you got?
  6. B

    Gel-like seamen!

    So its written semen, not seamen... Thats good to know. 3 weeks in side effects are, low libido, weak orgasms and this time also: yellowish gel in semen.
  7. B

    Gel-like seamen!

    I was on Proscar a year ago after discovering some minor hairloss (diffused thinning). After the pills were gone I stopped taking them. Now since the hairloss is still going on, and its more noticable now, I just bought a fresh pack of Mercks Proscar. The side effects 1 year ago: My sperm...