Recent content by Anne-Marie

  1. Anne-Marie


    Definitely, Propecia is NOT for women.
  2. Anne-Marie

    40 million vs. 1 million

    lithebod and answerq ya'll are two absolutely good guys! I can't imagine anyone being obsessed about hair for all their lives! It's just HAIR! I mean come on people, you say "the world is vain and I have to deal with it" but YOU are the ones who are vain. Fix yourselves by not caring. Man it's...
  3. Anne-Marie

    Stemcin01's Story

    my suggestion: love yourself. No one on this earth can love you if you don't love you. LOVE YOURSELF. Who gives a care how you look! LOVE the way you look. Unless it's some major health concern, what advice can any of us give you if you are not willing to love yourself. If you do, believe me you...
  4. Anne-Marie

    Pehlavoon's story

    Oh Pehlavoon, and all the other guys on this forum you are SO beautiful! I mean it. You are so immensely beautiful that words cannot describe your beauty; when you lose hair you are not losing beauty; you are still so beautiful, take it from a woman. Bald is Beautiful! I know that you all talk...