Recent content by andywill

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    6 months on nothing but zinc with amazing results.

    Hi, no it started as classic alopecia areata for me, but that very quickly turned in to total hairloss - - - Updated - - - First thing i did when i noticed hair coming out in clumps was visit the Doctor, who was useless. Did some quick blood tests, nothing unusual found and then printed off some...
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    6 months on nothing but zinc with amazing results.

    This was me before my hair fell out in may 2012 This we me just after all my hair fell out over the period of about 2 weeks. I pretty much tried every natural therapy going over the next year, with very little success. After many days and nights of reserach i came across a study from the...
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    19 and extreme shedding

    Check your nutrition and take a zinc supplement.
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    31 - bald spot starting on top of head....

    Looks like alopecia areata to me, this is how my total hair loss started. Take a look at your nutrition, in particular ensure you are getting enough zinc. I would start supplementing with a high quality / easy absorb-able form of zinc such as zinc piclonate - take 50mg per day and see how you...
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    Lost Cause?

    Hi, you dont mention anything about your nutrition, which i believe is a massively overlooked area of hairloss. I also dont believe it's ever a lost cause. I lost every hair on my body within 2 weeks and according to the doctor had pretty much a 0% chance of getting my hair back, This was me...
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    Lost all my hair in 2 weeks

    Hi all, my name is Andy.In June 2012 my hair started falling out in a massive way. Within 2 weeks i'd lost every hair on my body, literally every hair... arm hair, eyebrows, leg hair..everything. The doctor was useless and just printed off a few things about alopecia he'd found on the net. In...