Recent content by andy_mac

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    Who here has had no side effects on Propecia?

    I've been on it for a year without any sides. Actually there was one side effect: my hair looks a lot better!
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    UK people on Finasteride

    I get the generic Fincar from Been using them for a year now with no problems.
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    Time for minoxidil?

    I've had a thickening in hairs I already had at the front, so I guess it does work there to some extent. If I was to gain anything from minoxidil and then eventually stop it, would I lose it again or could finasteride maintain it? Thanks a lot for all your help everyone!
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    Time for minoxidil?

    Hey, I'd really appreciate some help with this. I've been taking finasteride 1.25mg daily for around 9 months now and I've seen a dramatic improvement to the point where my hair is darker and thicker and I really don't look like I have any problems with male pattern baldness. My only problem is that I've lost...
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    still receding despite finasteride improvement?

    Hey everyone, I've been taking 1.25mg finasteride once a day for about 7 months now and I've had great results from it; my hair has thickened considerably and darkened in colour. Luckily I've had no sides either. Recently, I'm getting the feeling that my temple area is continuing to recede...
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    Success after 3 months on finasteride

    Hey Wuffer, It's really good to hear you're inspired by my success story! I didn't know for sure that I had improvement until just before the 3 month mark when I had my hair cut. Plus I remember around that time someone asking me "have you dyed your hair darker?" when all I'd been hearing...
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    Success after 3 months on finasteride

    thanks for the comments everyone. I've been on finasteride for 6 months now and I thought I'd post my latest photos. I'm really pleased with the results. It is definitely a lot thicker and darker even thought it is a bit difficult to see from the photos, some people have even asked me if I'd been...
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    Great results on the big 3 after only 3 months!

    Hey buddy, congrats! Thanks for sharing the story. Keep us updated. Have you had any side effects?
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    Success after 3 months on finasteride

    yea buddy. All I'm taking is finasteride. I buy fincar (much cheaper than propecia) which comes in 5mg tablets I cut into quarters so I take 1.25mg daily. Most people seem to use minoxidil too but thankfully so far I seem to be doing ok just on finasteride. Good luck with that!
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    Where can I buy Finpecia/Fincar?

    Hey, sorry to hear about the problems you've had. I buy my fincar from and I've never had any problems. I usually receive it within 2 weeks. Good luck with that
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    Success after 3 months on finasteride

    Thanks for the comments. It is the same length, and I know there has been some improvement because a few people have commented. I know it's not a major difference, but after 3 months I'm really happy with it. I'm going to try and keep away from minoxidil unless finasteride really doesn't give me the results...
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    Success after 3 months on finasteride

    Hey everyone, Just wanted to share my story with you all, because when I first started experiencing male pattern baldness and dealing with it success stories on here really helped me, so hopefully I can help others. I first noticed my hair was thinning when I was around 20, and it was only in my bathroom mirror...
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    Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

    I think it's crazy to look at your latest pics compared to your very first ones. Congrats!
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    How long before side effects?

    Hi everyone, I've been taking 1.25mg fincar daily now for 20 days and I've had no side effects whatsoever so far. Does this mean that I'm one of the lucky ones or is it too early to see side effects yet? Thanks for the help
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    Is minoxidil essential?

    Yea it's definitely male pattern baldness. My dad's completely bald, although he didn't start balding until he was 27. My brother is 25 and started about the same time as me. Tough! I'm not losing any hairs yet, just hair thinning. I just took my first finasteride tablet. I'm taking fincar 1.25mg. Bit anxious...