Recent content by Actb4NW6

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    Size zero

    any ideas, anyone? Ive also heard repeatedly shaving the head will weaken already weak follicles speeding up hair loss :(
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    Size zero

    Ive just recently started the foam (infinitly easier to apply than the liquid) and my new hairstyle of choice is to have no hair! I was just wondering whether shaving my head every week/fortnight would have any adverse effect on the follicles or whether im making an issue out of nothing? :?
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    Good Deal

    I've been looking around for some foam and came across this deal at a site which i cannot mention (due to a restriction placed by this forum) , which works out to £10 (~$19/20) for a months supply. Would current foam users consider this to be a good deal? Also, could someone tell how long...
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    New Eyebrow Hairs

    ive just started using the liquid and i am also finding that when i apply it, it slowly just rolls down my forehead and i have to wipe it off before it goes into my eyebrows! I cant help thinking what a waste this is. My only solution is to apply it slower so that it gets partially absorbed...
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    What is this about?

    I know that the big three are the only effective tried and tested method to combat hairloss but when i came across this i was very intrigued and wanted to buy the book instantly but i thought i should tell u guys about it first! wat do u think?!
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    why can't you just shave it?

    My head shape is alrite but my face is too ugly to carry of off the bald look...if u have really strong features like zidane or lundjberg, u can carry a shaved head off well :cry:
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    The story so far...

    Nice going, keep it up mate!
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    It's all in the timing

    I gonna start on the finasteride. tomorrow and i wanted to ask u guys, when during the day do u take ur tablet, Im inclined to think the morning but i take a multi-vitamin in the morning, would that have any effect, or is it alrite to take them togethr? Any help appreciated.
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    On the path to salvaton!

    I have just applied my newly bought kirkland 5% Minoxidil to my scalp.....while applying it a few questions arose in my head so i came hear to research the answers..... however after trolling thru pages and pages of this section i cannot find clear-cut answers to my q's (most topices are to do...
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    ^^ ive been using the l'oreal for men thickening shampoo but it doesnt really do u (or anyone else) know of any that are more effective? Thanks for any replies
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    Hair cuts

    well, the longer ur hair the more obvious the balding will be during windy conditions. However it will provide better cover during other times i.e. when ur inside (presumably most of the time), so its up to u really...... i leave it a little longer so that at least it looks fairly normal MOST of...
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    thanks for that gardener
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    to go to the derm or not

    im going to start the big 3 w/o consulting a derm altho i went to a "hairloss specialist" last year whom recommended the big three, so now im just going to start it!