Recent content by 02107

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    My Experience With finasteride - Hairline Thinned Aggressively In Months

    I do have some scalp itch and sebum build up, itch might actually be slightly better since dropping the finasteride but it's hard to say. Wouldn't worry about what?
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    My Experience With finasteride - Hairline Thinned Aggressively In Months

    Thanks man, I'm just worried it is thinning aggressively and I will lose a lot of ground in a short amount of time. I don't even mind balding I just mind balding so young and so quickly, I didn't even have anything to worry about at the start of the fall semester
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    My Experience With finasteride - Hairline Thinned Aggressively In Months

    Posted this on reddit but I always like to get opinions here. Basically was on it for close to five months but stopped due to sides (no libido, sudden loss of morning wood and random erections, but the weak/soft erections are what made me stop), but my hairline thinned pretty dramatically in...
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    Anyone Continue To Completely Bald While Using Finasteride?

    that seems like pretty significant loss in such a short period of time, can you post some before and after pics? I can empathize, my hair has thinned quite a bit since starting finasteride 4.5 months ago and is getting to the point where I can't possibly imagine it returning to baseline.
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    Is There Any Point In Trying If You Are Short And Bald?

    Exactly... I'm not sure why I'm being called sad, pathetic, delusional when this is stuff I've personally witnessed numerous times. Have these people ever been in a social setting in their lives lol? Have they never been friends with groups of girls and seen who these girls f***/date/find...
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    Is There Any Point In Trying If You Are Short And Bald?

    I mean I will agree to disagree based on my own life experiences, but another thing I'm arguing is that girls find other things attractive that can't be shown through tinder for example how you carry yourself, charisma, humor, etc. To say that looks alone are all that factors into how attractive...
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    Is There Any Point In Trying If You Are Short And Bald?

    Idk I guess what I'm saying is people make too many generalizations here and it ultimately comes down to the individual, it will be different for every guy at the end of the day. Of course, part of this is just me being a 5'7 guy who will likely be bald in a few years trying to justify my...
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    Is There Any Point In Trying If You Are Short And Bald?

    You guys are crazy if you think there is no difference between tinder and real life... How someone carries them self, charisma, sense of humor, social status, etc can all make up for a lack of looks and land you with women out of your league. Tinder is obviously only looks that's the whole point...
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    Is There Any Point In Trying If You Are Short And Bald?

    Lol people on this forum have the strangest generalizations about the world/people. Short men like being dominated? I am 5'7 and 20 years old, but I've done well when it comes to girls so far. Unfortunately, I would say my greatest trait has always been my hair, and now that it is rapidly...
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    Shedding A Lot Of Weird Hair Like These - Any Significance?

    Na I know what you are talking about, it is all hair strand.
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    Shedding A Lot Of Weird Hair Like These - Any Significance?

    Hey, I've been on finasteride for a little over 4 months now and the last few months I've been noticing that I've been shedding a lot of hair that gets very thin near the root, but right before it gets thin it has this thick sheath part, so the root end almost looks like a spear tip or something. It's...
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    Is There A Way I Can Take finasteride That Will Reduce The Chance Of Getting Androgenic Upregulation?

    Damn, I'm 3.5 months on finasteride and my hair is much thinner and I am still shedding a ton, definitely more than before finasteride. Not experiencing other sides of reflex, but I definitely fit the description of someone with low DHT initially so I am very worried that finasteride is f*****g my hair. Libido is lower...
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    Diffuse Hair Loss 3 Month finasteride Update

    Posted this on reddit earlier but I would love more opinions. Going to be a lot of pics, sorry about that. I'm 20 years old. Baseline: - fresh out of the shower untouched - wet, combed backwards - wet, combed forwards...
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    Does The Part In My Hair Show That I'm Diffusing?

    Thanks for the replies guys, I actually forgot to include what I think is the worst one, just edited it in, here it is: Is it more apparent here? Also, is it worth waiting until 6 months to a year on finasteride before beginning minoxidil? I honestly don't want to start it now...