Yet another shedding post!


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I'm quite familiar with the topic of shedding now and I hope my question/article is different to the others:

I've been having very good results with minoxidil and with the recent shed i'm trying to shed some light on the reasons and timing behind my own shed. I've backtracked it to the following timeline:

December 2004:
Started Minoxidil. Inactive follicles are stimulated an hair goes in to anagen phase.
January 2005: I'm experiencing good regrowth and no shedding (since i was pretty much bald on top i couldnt really loose anything). The hair is quite lightly coloured (lots of vellus but a fair amount of light brown thin hair as well)
February 2005: The growth continues with more hair regrowing
March 2005: Regrowth is slowing down and the hair i've got doesnt seem to grow any longer but doesn't shed either.
April 2005: Hair does not grow longer. I started on finasteride. 1 week after I started I started a massive shed which is still continuing today.

Since I don't think the shed is due to the finasteride (that shed should start after 10 weeks or so) I've read loads of posts and articles about shedding and deduced the following:

My hair was positively stimulated by the minoxidil and "dead" follicles became alive and started growing. In March the hair did not grow any longer and in april it started shedding. I was under the impression and understanding that the anagen phase lasts for 2-8 years. I deduced that this is for terminal hair and not for newly grown hair.

If I have understood correctly, newly grown hair (not fully terminal) have a MUCH shorter anagen phase, possibly only a few months before they go into telogen phase. The next time around the anagen phase lasts a bit longer and so on until it's a full terminal hair or until my treatment can't help the hair anymore. Is this correct?

The above might not be correct, but i'd like to think it is as it makes my future hair growth outlook very good.

I know there are loads of articles/posts on sheds but i could not find one that explains how hair grows after the shed. All it says is that it will grow back. No mention of timeline, thickness, lenght etc. If this is mentioned or covered elsewhere, appologies for having vasted your time.............................NOT :D