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Hello All,
On month 5 of HairLossTalk.com and doing well... so far no miraculous improvements but I caught things early and hopefully have stabilized my loss.
I have always wondered if my hair loss is related to my health, as a bad case of mono 2 years ago has left me sick on/off since then. I tested positive for active mono even last May. At any rate, my hair quality declined after mono, along with always being sick tired, etc.
So, along with using the regular regimine (propecia, nizoral, minoxidil) I also started taking a multivitamin and this new antioxidant drink called Xango. My mom actually sent it to me, and shes totally hooked. As an engineer, and Duke grad, I was/am skeptical, but thought I would share. The drink is made with Mangostene, which is a very powerfull antioxidant (that much has been proven). People have sworn by it for increasing they're overall health, from irritable bowel syndrome to cancer, etc. It hasn't been tested much, but the few tests out there (new england journal of medicine) etc. Have been alarmingly positive.
At any rate (of course as a scientist personal evidence is always taken with a grain of salt), I feel GREAT, and am proud to report I haven't been sick in over 4 months since taking Xango. Again, I was sick all fall and winter, if I stayed up late or went out, it was automatic for me. So, just wanted to see if anyone is taking Xango, experiences, etc. Since people are going all out on this website with suplements, I figured someone has tried it. If you want more info, hit me up, and I will get you in touch with a distributor. .