Would Greatly Appreciate Some Input From Others


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I am 21 years old and since one year ago have lost roughly 60% of hair density. Hair comes out throughout the day and can be found everywhere. I always had pretty good hair and kept it short but haven't been able to for the past 6 months because I'm still accepting the fact that it'll soon be all gone. I went and saw two derms, the first one told me my hair loss was atypical with male pattern baldness; as I am losing hair from the back and sides as well. The second derm told me he believed it was hereditary though there is no-one bald/balding in my family aside from a grandfather from my father's side whom didn't start losing hair until his late 50's (and not in this diffuse pattern). I do not currently have a picture to post but will add one later. I am not someone who over or underestimates their hair loss. Mine has become visibly noticeable over the past two months as everything has thinned so much that in most places you can see the individual strands. Pertinent information may be that I smoke a lot, have smoked weed >5 times per day since I was 15/16 (usually includes tobacco leaves). When I got into freshman year of college I also drank heavily everyday for a year. Picked up the gym heavily for about 2 years then dropped it about a year back and have not really gone. My nutrition is not the best but not the worst.

Please let me know if anyone has any input to why I may be losing hair, is it most likely hereditary?
I am not open to taking things like Propecia or Minoxidil, I am attached to my hair but not enough to become obsessive over it. Once I can accept how people will react to my shaved head I will go there.. Way it's looking is in the near future.