Would dying your hair help conceal thinning?



anyone tried this? i was thinking about it today. i still have quiet a bit of hair, however a vast majority is very fine and blonde, even though i'm naturally brown. these fine blonde hairs are basically blind to the eye which makes my thinning hair even more obvious. do you think dying my hair brown would help vanish the thinning appearance by turning these blond hairs brown? someone posted about this a while back and i wanna hear your responses. anyone tried this?


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Well baby,
I guess it's possible darkening the hairs would give a fuller look. But OTOH, darker hair will contrast with the caucasian scalp, possibly making it look thinner.

I think most thinning guys who dye to hide loss go with a lighter color.

Just be forewarned, I and others have had bad sheds from using hair dyes that sit on the scalp, you might find more on that doing a search on 'dye'. My hairloss first became noticable 'bout 10 years ago after I dyed it twice. Really thinned it out.


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I was a dumbass in high school bleaching my hair all the time. I swear I fucked my hair up doing that. I bleached it out like 5 times a year over a 3 year period. Not a good idea and you look like a tool. I should have kicked my own *** then. :lol:


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nomad said:
I was a dumbass in high school bleaching my hair all the time. I swear I fucked my hair up doing that. I bleached it out like 5 times a year over a 3 year period. Not a good idea and you look like a tool. I should have kicked my own *** then. :lol:

Heh. Same thing happened to me. My hairloss all started right after the very first time that I bleached my hair. Since then i've been doomed. Its been 3 years and i've loss at least 10k grafts. Well, I can't say that just by bleaching hair for only 1 time would cause such a tragedy. It just meant to happen at the same time that the heredity kicked in.


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If you are white then blonde and grey hair make your thinning look less noticable. White would also work but that might draw a lot of attention to your hair, which is something you don't want.


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I can speak from personal experience cause i took the plunge and coloured my hair from blonde to dark brown just about a month ago. I am a natural blonde with diffuse thinning all around my hairline btw.

Let me tell ya, my hair has never looked thicker. Ofcourse everyone at work took the piss for a little while which i was expecting, but its all been worth it.

The main reason I coloured my hair dark was mainly so I could use couvre to its fullest. God blesss the man who invented that product. If you have dark hair then couvre will work absolute wonders for you.

Another thing Ive noticed is that being young you want your hair to look styled, which usually means using hair gel. Well when I had blonde hair, I had to use alot of hair gel for it to look styled and it left alot of scalp showing. Now because my hair is dark I can use just a little bit of gel around the ends of my hair and I can pull off a youthfull styled full head of hair.

But anyway, in short, dying my hair dark is the best thing Ive done in a long while.


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hey i have just dyed my hair, i have very short hair(no.1)
its brown with defuse thinning, so i dyed it a dark brown and it colored up a lot of the fine colorless hair, made it look a lot better
I used a natural hair dye call"Hena" its ment to be good for you hair, I know if you use chemical hair dye a lot it can thin your hair, well it did with my bro anyway
the only thing with hena is it only last about 6-8 washs
you should be able to pick it up from a health food shop


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Did the hena dye the scalp

hey i have just dyed my hair, i have very short hair(no.1)
its brown with defuse thinning, so i dyed it a dark brown and it colored up a lot of the fine colorless hair, made it look a lot better
I used a natural hair dye call"Hena" its ment to be good for you hair, I know if you use chemical hair dye a lot it can thin your hair, well it did with my bro anyway
the only thing with hena is it only last about 6-8 washs
you should be able to pick it up from a health food shop