Working Out and Hairloss?


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I recently started to work out regularly after stopping for the past few years. I have noticed that these past week or two my hairloss has really picked up.

When I only used to see 3 or 4 hairs on my pillow when I wake up, I'm not seeing like 20.

Does this increased hairloss have anything to do with working out?

Has anyone encountered something similar?


Senior Member
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It's sometimes tough to figure out what is related to balding. But first we must find out what is not related to balding. Working out should not contribute to balding.


Experienced Member
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I guess that I would be hard-pressed to state and agree with the statement that working out can incerase hairloss. How could a healthier and more fit body decrease the health of your scalp? I seriously fail to see how that can be the case. Most likely, it's male pattern baldness taking it's toll but not due to your working out! Hey, hats off to you man for biting the bullet and working out! By sticking with and following through with your workout program, making appropriate progress, you're going to be a better guy and more focused in all other areas of your life with that kind of discipline!!!