WithTheLidOff's Story


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Hey everyone, I'm new but I've pretty much read everything in these postings and thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm 26 and I used to have THICK hair up until University, I could even stick like 10 pencils in it and they'd stay there. *sigh*..too good to be true. The weird thing is that I lost just about all of my hair in like 2 years. I went from Kramer to the guy on Star Trek just like that. OUCH!! I beleive my favorite of the many comments was when a Japanese lady was visiting our house when I was like 23 and pointed at me and then my 55 year old dad and said "look the same"...yeah thanks lady...I loved that one. Nothing like looking like a senior citizen when you're 22. Thats a true story, but in all honesty I'm not THAT bald. Well, , i have very thin hair all over, slightly receding temples and a decent sized bald patch in the back. But all of this came in 2 years!! THen it seemed to stabilize and I havent really lost anything for 3 years. To people that dont examine every mans hairline (you know who you are) it might even look like I shave my head and have little loss. It has to be male pattern baldness because my dads bald, both grandfathers were bald and damn..my mom and grandmothers are even balding.

I have less hair than anyone close to my age and I too have sufferred from the cruel jokes of those bastards from the Not Bald Tribe. I guess I could say I know what youre all going through but not really. I have felt depressed but not as bad as a lot of you. First of all from what I've seen, most people on here have more hair than I do and did at their ages and they're going on as if they're life is over. Must be nice to be worried about the tragedies of dropping out of N1. Most of you guys look pretty good. There is a lot of good information on this sight, but man are some postings depressing, it'll make you feel like crap to sit here and hear about how peoples' regimens arent working or how they've lost hair or to see people that ARE getting results and theyre not. Thats no way to spend 5 hours a day (and another 5 in front of the mirror.) Yes, I would prefer to have hair but what am I going to do? Dwell on it all day?? Hell...I'll wake up 50. Just a quick aside...I AM balder than pretty much everyone I've seen on this site, but I do have an active social life and I have had more women interested in me these past few years than I ever had when I had hair. Three quality women this past year alone and I'm currently dating one of them. My thinking is, is that hair is like tits...lots of guys like the big ones, but theres plenty of small titied girls out there that are still attractive. I hope that this in some small way helps you guys. Also its incredible how depressed one can get by watching "hairclub" commercials or standing in front of the mirror. The sooner you accept the situation, the sooner you can get on with the rest of your life. I know I did.

Now, I'll get off of my soapbox for a bit and admit that I am using Rogaine, Propecia and Nizoral. I plan to post quarterly updates. Of course I DO hope to see some results but I guess I shouldnt expect any. Either way, best of luck to all of you in regrowing your hair and much more importantly in realizing that this isnt something that should totally dominate your life. Good Luck! You guys rock =)


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Re: Lid's Scary Story and an observation

=Japanese lady was visiting our house when I was like 23 and pointed at me and then my 55 year old dad and said "look the same"...yeah thanks lady...I loved that one.

Thats when you're supposed to pull out the 12" longhorn and show her whos the boss..

Welcome to the boards..that hair rollercoaster you've been on sounds wild


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Great story. I guess I am one of those who uses 5 hours a day on this sh*t. I am trying to feel the same way as you do. And your story may be the catalyst for me. Nice to have "a kick in the as sometimes" and wake up. Because look at the bright side, we are not sick or anything. Lets LIVE!!!!


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Re: Lid's Scary Story and an observation

WithTheLidOff said:
I went from Kramer to the guy on Star Trek just like that. OUCH!!

If you ever see Kramer with his hair down, or wet, you'll notice he has a considerable on his crown.

Of course I never noticed it at all until I start detecting my own loss.