will females like bald men?


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dudemon said:
Guy #2 says, "So, are you with someone?"
girl: "No, I just said that to that bald guy so he would go away. Yuck! I hate bald guys! They're always under-sexed perverts that try to make a move on any and every girl"
Guy #2: "Agreed."

I highly doubt that his is common. I have been shaving my head for almost a year. To strangers across the room, yea maybe I'm "the bald guy" but once I meet someone and make an impression then I'm no longer "that bald guy."

Bars and nightclubs in general are superficial places to hang out. It is very hard to pick up women in this environment. Most people go to bars and clubs to have fun with the people they CAME WITH, not get hit on by strangers. I have met the overwhelming majority of ex girlfriends and flings through friends, through school, or on the web.


I believe hairloss is a very small factor in overall attractiveness. Take these two celebrities, Andre Aggasi and Owen Wilson. Both are decent looking guys. One is very bald, and the other has godly flowing locks of hair. If they weren't celebrities, would Owen really have the advantage in a bar? Maybe, but I doubt it would be because of his hair.


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^^Compared to Andre Aggasi, appearance wise, Owen Wilson isn't that attractive i think. I'd go for Andre Aggasi on looks.


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Girls find men with hair more sexually appealing. This has been confirmed in the laboratory.

They do however see bald/balding men as better nurturers. You may have a better shot as marriage material...perhaps.


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Boondock said:
Girls find men with hair more sexually appealing. This has been confirmed in the laboratory.

People don't operate based on ideals. If you ask a woman if she wants a tall good looking, honest, loving, successful man with a full head of hair, a great sense of humor and family values who drives a Ferrari, she will inevitably say yes to all of the above.

The same woman that says she wants all that would probably leave the bar with someone with none of that.

In an ideal world we would all have full heads of hair- but we don't. Luckily the rest of the world isn't an ideal place either, so I guess we fit in fine :punk:


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sandovalusa said:
Boondock said:
Girls find men with hair more sexually appealing. This has been confirmed in the laboratory.

People don't operate based on ideals. If you ask a woman if she wants a tall good looking, honest, loving, successful man with a full head of hair, a great sense of humor and family values who drives a Ferrari, she will inevitably say yes to all of the above.

The same woman that says she wants all that would probably leave the bar with someone with none of that.

In an ideal world we would all have full heads of hair- but we don't. Luckily the rest of the world isn't an ideal place either, so I guess we fit in fine :punk:

The actual study, I believe, simply used males with hair and without, and asked their opinions. They were otherwise equal.

There was a similar study conducted by a dating site, who uploaded the same individuals with and without full heads of hair, and measured their responses. It was dramatically in favour of those with hair.


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Boondock said:
There was a similar study conducted by a dating site, who uploaded the same individuals with and without full heads of hair, and measured their responses. It was dramatically in favour of those with hair.

Yea I can definitely see how that works. Hair loss is a generally unattractive quality.

Bald men have to pick their battles. Dating sites might not be a bald guy's best bet. They're pretty 1 dimensional. Most women choose which profile to view based on a name and a profile picture. Dating site search engines can display up to 100 thumbnails on one page, I can understand why bald men's profiles wouldn't get much play.

I am less attractive now that I shave my head but I refuse to let it stop me from dating.


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dudemon said:
LOL! I have seen stuff like this too.

Hot girl (approx age 25-30) sitting alone at the bar, didn't come in with a guy, and not wearing a wedding ring:

* Guy #1: Handsome NW6, wearing nice trendy clothes, clean cut, shaves head
* Guy #2: Handsome NW1, wearing nice trendy clothes, clean cut

Guy #1, approaches girl at bar, sits down, "Can I buy you a drink?"
girl: "No, sorry I'm married." Guy #1 walks away, leaves girl alone.

5 minutes elapse, same girl still stitting at the bar alone

Guy #2 approaches girl at bar, sits down, "Can I buy you a drink?"
girl: "Of course you can, I'll have a Long Island Ice Tea"

Guy #2 says, "So, are you with someone?"
girl: "No, I just said that to that bald guy so he would go away. Yuck! I hate bald guys! They're always under-sexed perverts that try to make a move on any and every girl"
Guy #2: "Agreed."

...And there you have it folks. This same scenario is sure to be played this evening in a bar/pub near you, no matter where you live. And you will see a lot of it...guaranteed.

This is totally unsupported and just indicates your own insecurity and distorted perception of real life. First of all, saying "Can I buy you a drink?" might be the most desperate and needy approach a man can take with a woman. It communicates you want something from her and are trying to buy her attention, this is a total turnoff to women.

dudemon said:
For every slick/shaved sly bald guy who scores with a decent looking girl, 10 balds (or more) will get rejected.

You know what an insecure short man says? "For every short guy who scores with a decent looking girl, 10 shorties (or more) will get rejected."

You know what an insecure overweight man says? " "For every fat guy who scores with a decent looking girl, 10 fatties(or more) will get rejected."

It's all the same when someone doesn't have the self-confidence, they attribute there failure on some physical "flaw" because it's easy.

Of course being tall, good looking, having great hair, being in shape, etc. will make dating and getting laid easier but it's not necessary to have all or even one of those traits.

Being comfortable with yourself is all that's needed because when you have that, your honest and realistic enough to recognize your self-worth, strengths, limitations and then work on improving whatever it is that your unhappy with (like your dating life). Authentic confidence trumps all and everyone, not just women, find that extremely attractive.


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Nothing says "I´m a tool" like buying women you don´t know drinks! If you have to BUY five minutes of her time (given she doesn´t just take the drink and leave like girls I know do for fun) then is it really worth it? You know she´s only talking to you because you paid up; you know it, but most importantly SHE knows it. She´s talking to a guy who has to buy women stuff to get in touch with them.

I totally agree that in a club/bar setting, the balding guy might be at a disadvantage. Perhaps more the one that tries to hide it than the one who trims down/shaves. Personally I don´t like settings like clubs and never have. I do like going out with friends to bars, and most of the women I meet are through people I know.
When it comes to picking up random girls; especially younger ones, my confidence has dropped a lot however! If it´s a girl I haven´t been introduced to, it´s most likely her picking me up.

That being said; things are much easier once you get to show who you are in a group with people you know (where the girl(s) are inclduded).
I´ve had good looking girls after me as young as 19-20 over the past years who again have had NW1´s chasing them. An example: One guy I know who´s a thick NW1 was in pieces over this girl he wanted, who was after me. And I´m an obviously balding 24-year old. What he did wrong was to chase after her, giving her too much attention. I hardly gave her any.
Point is, it´s all about the setting and that you get in touch the right way. If you have friends in common or you´ve exchanged only a few words beforehand, you won´t be another creep at the bar; you`ll have a connection.


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captain_que said:
Point is, it´s all about the setting and that you get in touch the right way. If you have friends in common or you´ve exchanged only a few words beforehand, you won´t be another creep at the bar; you`ll have a connection.

I totally agree with this.

It seems like some of the younger guys (me and captain_que) are arguing that we aren't at that much of a disadvantage in the dating scene while a few of the older guys are arguing that being bald is a total deal breaker. This just goes to show how sentiments about being bald can change in just a few years.

I am currently in college at a large American university that you have all seen in movies. I am currently in the online dating world and currently going to bars and college parties. I am out here on the front lines doing the real reconnaissance.

We can debate back and forth forever but I think its worth pointing out that there is a shift going on. If you're drawing on dating experience from the 90s and early 2000s it seems to be different than the dating experience I'm having right now. Being bald is a disadvantage, but its far from a deal breaker.


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SurprisedGuy- Just to pick you up on something you said earlier about other insecure guys claiming 9/10 of men with similar problems will be rejected.

The fatties and midgets who claim that are spot on, as are we when talking about hairloss.

Women are given too much power by desperate men, far too many ugly women have inflated ego's, makes it harder for us to pick up even average chicks. A girl I work with is a total dog, ugly face, horrible hair, dresses like a tramp, no tits, fat *** etc. She thinks shes attractive and wanted, laughs at other girls all the time. When she goes out at the weekend she gets hit on everytime, never buys a drink, shes also got a guy best mate who is always slobering over her- inflating her ego further.

If this blotchy faced gimp thinks shes hot and expects guys in bars to jump through hoops, then what chance have we got with genuinly decent girls?

Men ruin it for other men, youre all a bunch of useless bastards, catch a grip and stop going for uglies, eventually theyll get the message and we'll be calling the shots like we should be :) x


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BrightonBaldy said:
Women are given too much power by desperate men, far too many ugly women have inflated ego's, makes it harder for us to pick up even average chicks. A girl I work with is a total dog, ugly face, horrible hair, dresses like a tramp, no tits, fat *** etc. She thinks shes attractive and wanted, laughs at other girls all the time. When she goes out at the weekend she gets hit on everytime, never buys a drink, shes also got a guy best mate who is always slobering over her- inflating her ego further.

If this blotchy faced gimp thinks shes hot and expects guys in bars to jump through hoops, then what chance have we got with genuinly decent girls?

Men ruin it for other men, youre all a bunch of useless bastards, catch a grip and stop going for uglies, eventually theyll get the message and we'll be calling the shots like we should be :) x

Its the same for women when it comes to good looking men though. Yeah average men will put average women on a pedastal. But I've also seen good looking guys who have women (even hot women) fighting over them. I've seen for myself that any good looking guy can get away with treating women like absolute sh*t.
I guess the conclusion is both sexes are pretty shallow but guys are slightly more desperate to get laid.


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I'd say thats a good conclusion if you removed the Slightly :punk:

I've never seen an ugly bloke (or even a bloke with average looks) dismissing a woman out of hand the way the ugly I work with does with guys, but like you I have seen better looking guys have gorgeous women fighting over them.

Is there any kind of answer to the question asked in this topci?


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BrightonBaldy said:
SurprisedGuy- Just to pick you up on something you said earlier about other insecure guys claiming 9/10 of men with similar problems will be rejected.

The fatties and midgets who claim that are spot on, as are we when talking about hairloss.

Women are given too much power by desperate men, far too many ugly women have inflated ego's, makes it harder for us to pick up even average chicks. A girl I work with is a total dog, ugly face, horrible hair, dresses like a tramp, no tits, fat *** etc. She thinks shes attractive and wanted, laughs at other girls all the time. When she goes out at the weekend she gets hit on everytime, never buys a drink, shes also got a guy best mate who is always slobering over her- inflating her ego further.

If this blotchy faced gimp thinks shes hot and expects guys in bars to jump through hoops, then what chance have we got with genuinly decent girls?

Men ruin it for other men, youre all a bunch of useless bastards, catch a grip and stop going for uglies, eventually theyll get the message and we'll be calling the shots like we should be :) x

Yes!! Too true. Too many ugly girls think they're hot because guys'll shoot for anything..

The way I see it it's all about gaining momentum, and when you have it anything can happen. I can look at myself in the mirror one day and want to jump off a bridge. The next day I'm out and I've managed to block all of that out, feeling on top, I can go out and it's like mayhem..

We need to stop treating women like queens. Seriously. Be a gentleman don't get me wrong, but they are sneaky bastards. Give them too much and they'll know exactly where they've got you. Buying drinks is just about the lowest I can think of. Still laugh out loud every time I see that..:))


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dudemon said:
Think of a "Casino Royale James Bond" type setting. Those type of women in a setting like that expect you to buy them a drink, as well as corporate pressional type women.

Not many guys on here going out in their Tux to mix it with the billionaires on the roulette tables. :whistle:

But seriously for guys in their early 20's who dont have much money, its not expected to offer women drinks when you meet them in a noisy club or bar. Also as an opening line it does sound kind of cheesy and creepy, abit like "do you come here often"? It instantly says I've brought you something now what do I get in return?


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captain_que said:
...Buying drinks is just about the lowest I can think of. Still laugh out loud every time I see that..:))

If you walk across the room and the first words you say to a woman are "can I buy you a drink?" then you have the word CHUMP written all over you.

On the other hand, if you find yourself talking to a woman, you've developed rapport, and you feel like having a drink, asking her if she would like one too is totally fine!


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What if a girl offers to buy you a drink? hehe but i'm sure this one was a lesbian (i was in a gay bar)
But i find the whole 'buy the girl a drink' thing very silly, i find it easier to just strike a conversation with them.