Why is there a temp libido boost when starting propecia



A temporary libido boost on Propecia? Never heard about that, though a theroetical explaination might be that Propecia also increases Testosterone.....


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I had that for the first few weeks. It's great.
I had nut ache for the first two days and great libido after that. My orgasms were also much better.

These are the only side effects I've had so far, hopefuly it stays that way


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I had this, too when I started. Thought I was alone, since all I had heard beforehand was how finasteride hurt your libido. 6 weeks into it, however, I'm seeing that's true, too lol

It will all be worth it if I'm a success story in the future.


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My libido is very high even after 6 months on it.

It does raise testosterone by 10% apparently which is why, although it does lower DHT by much more.

Its not working though for me as my hair is still receding fast...my thoughts are its this testosterone raise that's causing it...my libido's off the scale lately. Its not supposed to be that good for frontal area so I think its made it worse. The crown though is solid and staying like it I hope.


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Nick, has your scalp itch gotten worse on propecia? Any acne problems or oily scalp?

If you have a very high sex drive with all of these symptoms the drug propecia may be having a rare, but serious reaction on you, possibly \'Reflex Hyperandrogenicity\".

Basically, in some cases for some unknown reason, propecia can cause your body to upregulate testosterone and other androgens in response to such a dramatic artificial drop due to the medication.

Not much is known about this, but I believe it can happen. If all you had was shedding, I wouldn\'t worry, but you describe a very high sex drive. That seems troublesome especially if you have really itchy scalp, acne and worse thinning after 6 months. Is this the case?


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Nick, here is what Dr Proctor has to say about Reflex Hyperandrogenicity. Its worth a read.

Dr Proctor Answers:
Shedding that occurs before about 2-4 months after starting a treatment was of hair that was already in the loss phase when you started. That is, such hair shedding is just coincidental or due to early fallout of loss-phase hair as follicles come out of dormancy under the influence of a hair-growth-stimulator. This hair was about to fall out anyway.

Not that hair loss due to reflex hyperandrogenicity doesn\'t occasionally happen with Finasteride. However, Finasteride (Propecia) differentially \"protects\" hair follicles. Thus, enough reflex hyproandrogenicity to exacerbate balding is very likely to be associated with other hyperandrogenic symptoms such as increased libido, skin oiliness, etc. In the absence of these, I consider it unlikely. So you can rest reasonably easily. I hope....

Peter H Proctor, PhD, MD

What exactly is reflex hyperandrogenicity and what causes it? Is it when the androgen receptors become more sensitive to DHT or is it an increase in overall testosterone that negatively impacts the follicles. Also, should a topical antiandrogen counter this effect?

Dr Proctor Answers:
Reflex hyperandrogenicity is caused by a combination of increased testosterone and increased tissue sensitivity to male sex hormones ( androgens ). The latter is cause at least partially by an increase in the numbers of androgen receptors. Whether the receptors also get more sensitive is not clear, but seems likely.

Reflex hyperandrogenicity is proportional to the strength of an antiandrogen. It limits the use of antiandrogens in (e.g.) treatment of prostate cancer and is why most such patients get castrated.

Because the action of Finasteride is mostly limited to tissues where type-2 5-AR is the important source of androgenic activity, it elicits less reflex hyperandrogenicity than other antiandrogens when used to treat hair loss or prostate enlargement. So this is usually not limiting in hair loss-treatment, at least in the short run. It may even help minimize side-effects such as libido decrease during the use iof finasteride for hair loss. Whether this is also true for Dutasteride ( which blocks both type-1 and type-2 5 Alphareductases ) is not clear yet. And yes, topical antiandrogens such as spironolactone, which do not elicit the increase in testosterone, are likely helpful.

Peter H Proctor, PhD, MD


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Thanks for this I have asked before wether anyone thought propocia could for some increase hairloss and from this you article you show..it is possible.

I have suffered bad back acne since being on it but I know a few others that it works for .. Dr Rogers for instance mentioned it...its works for him yet he has the acne. So I didn't think any more of it.

I don't have and itchy or oily scalp any more than I was before on propecia. I have always only been able to leave my hair for a couple of days before it needs washing.

There are a few of us Propecia does not appear to be working so wonder if we could all be suffering from this. The radid loss of hair I have had in 6 months is frightening and as I am over 40 I didn't expect to lose hair at this rate after keeping it for so long. It would be irronic if in my attempt to keep my hair I have foced it off my head...how bad luck would that be.


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Also my main side to Propecia is tiredness which is why I am now only on 0.25mg...I still suffer tiredness even on this low dose. Bad reacion to finasteride I think means it is not doing good...that is always my worry.

For those it causes no sides then they are not reactin badly to it and it is likely working.

I have been thinking of switching to dutasteride and see if that had no sides for me.

What your view on all this Taug, JDW....

College...any views on thei Hyperandrogenicity....might explain the loss for some of us...shedding is one thing but it shouldn't continue for 6 months or more, that's just not right.


Well, I did get sides from finasteride (total loss of libido) but it still worked for me in slowing down the inevitable.

I have switched to dutasteride now as well, hopefully it will completely stop my loss. Give it a chance!


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I have experienced the increased libido in the first few weeks of taking finasteride. I have more energy, better mood, i wake up in the morning refreshed. Then a fter just a weeks, I experience the opposite sides. I get extremely tired and i fall asleep any chance I get. I have been going on and off finasteride for a while, and I get the same swings in side effects. Its definately messing with the hormones, for better or worse. I had interesting side when I was on dutasteride for a couple of months. initially, my skin improved 10 fold and my hair thickened up nicely. I would pee constantly, even wake up in the middle of the night to go piss. These sides all went away when I stopped though.