Why Corporations often have bad management:


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Their board of directs is elected by the same dumb ways that politicians are elected. Worse actually, since stock holders may not put challengers on the ballot, and incumbant's campaigns are company financed.

And the rules of corporate elections are not up to the corporations. They are mandated by state law.

So that will be another one of my targets, not just political elections.

I'm just trying to find a group of people who actually cares. Most people could not give a flying hoot how anyone is elected.

The Gardener

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This is an interesting topic, and actually very relevant.

If one wants to know where the TRUE locus of power in America is, it is in the corporate boardrooms. In a sense, corporate board elections are the TRUE elections that determine how American power is wielded both domestically, and in the broader world.

These elections are, of course, rigged... but this is a natural progression of tyranny. Consolidation of power, consolidation of control... control over prices, control over markets, control over the media, control over who can get a loan and who can't, control over capital. This is part of a natural ebb and flow, a natural cycle in human history that has repeated itself countless times from one hegemon to the next.

As for "political elections"... they are kabuki theater... totally driven by funding and influence wielded by the corporate sector. These elections no longer determine who is the true wielder of power in America, they are only elections that determine who will be this nation's figurehead, our cosmetic "spokesman" avatar for corporate America. Obama, or ANY major party presidential candidate for that matter, would never get elected unless they have already been vetted and put into this position by the intent of the corporatocracy. It's quite a shame, and I find it QUITE ironic that some criticise Iranian elections because, although the citizenry gets to vote freely, the candidates to Iranian office are vetted by the Imams. Ironically, our democracy is no better.. our candidates vetted by our oligarchs every bit as much as those in Iran are.

America could have a very bright future... if we cast aside the parasitic oligarchy, who view American citizens with about as much respect as a rancher views livestock bred for exploitation.