why apply minoxidil on dry scalp only ?


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Why is it advised to apply minoxidil on a dry scalp only?

I ask this because morning I always ending up applying minoxidil on a wet scalp almost everyday. Does applying ot to wet scalp reduce its effectiveness ???


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i think its for the opposite reason. wet scalp means the minoxidil penetrates too effectively giving you far greater chance of systemic side effects.


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aaah..oki....Thanks PowerSam. I would not worry about it much then, I have been on Min for two months and have not had any sides. I will try avoiding applying it to a wet scalp.

BTW...where do you get your Fluridil from ?



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i dnt agree, i think that applying to a wet scalp means its not as effective. slightly damp has been sed to be good, but just apply to a dry scalp to stay safe.


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interesting. I wonder about this absorption factor.

I got my fluridil at eucapil.com, because that is the site the manufacturer sent me to. i don't trust middlemen, though I guess it is not profitable for them to make a fake when they can buy and sell whole sale. Is there a reason to buy it anywhere else? I know someone her does. Please give your reasons.


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"Wet scalp skin increases the penetration of topical drugs by several times (2x-5x more powerful). Because Rogaine does have side effects, they must attempt to keep you from increasing its potency and thereby side effects. "

http://www.regrowth.com/hairloss-articl ... tments.cfm

"Wet scalp will actually increase the penetration and make the effects of Spectral DNC several times more powerful. This also dramatically increases your chances of getting side effects from Minoxidil in Spectral DNC."


" A side effect of Minoxidil is a fast and irregular heart rate. This is a sign that you are using too much minoxidil. Too much is being absorbed into your body, which is what happens when you apply it while your scalp is wet. According to the manufacturer your hair and scalp must be completely dry before using this medication."


will that do?


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thanks PS.


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ok, if that is true of 5% or even 2% minoxidil, then why is 15% safe?

does minoxidil stay in the scalp longer when it is dry, before leaving into the blood? Is minoxidil metabolized in the scalp? I know Bryan knows the answer to that last question. It is probably in some pharmacy report somewhere.

is alcohol and propylene glycol absorbed into the scalp with minoxidil in the same ratio as the ingredients, times their solubility in the scalp? If so, does that mean 15% minoxidil gives you more active ingredient for your chemical absorption? that stuff is expensive.


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that is a very good question, didnt think of it from that angle.