White bulb or nothing at end of hair


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i get the same thing

I am 22 and have been noticing the same thing about my hairs that fall out over the last 3 months. There is a white bulb that covers the root that i can actually slip right off if i lightly pinch the hair and run my fingers over the root. Hairs that are naturally falling out on other, non-thinning parts of my head do not have this white bulb on the end.

I sure as hell hope atlas is right when he says it indicates that another hair will come up behind it. However, I've also heard someone say that these bulbs are oil glands, which does seem kind of strange. But I was thinking that it could be excess oil or sebum (not necessarily the gland) that has build up around the root, possibly due to stress or something else.

All the hair that I am losing is just as thick and colored as the rest of my hair that is not falling out, which also doesn't seem typical of male pattern baldness. I don't know.


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Telogen (resting) hair shaft bulbs are observed in telogen hairs. These resting hairs may be easily found by running your fingers through your scalp, as everyone loses about 50 to 150 resting hairs per day. The bulb end is swollen and looks like a cotton applicator tip. It is called a club hair, because early writers that that telogen resting hair shaft bulbs looked like a club. The telogen hair shaft bulb is white. The telogen hair shaft bulb (club hair bulb) consists of shrunken hair matrix cells that have stopped growing.

In theory your hair is going through its normal phase and resting before it comes to live.



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All the white bulb means is that the hair did not BREAK. In other words the white bulb indicates a hair that has fallen from the root. All hairs that do not break (breakage is much rarer) have the white bulb so it can not be used as an indicator as to whether the hair fell from male pattern baldness or not.


The Gardener

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The presence or absence of white bulbs on the hair has no correlation to male pattern baldness status.

Hairs with the bulb were in telogen, resting phase and were going through their normal shed/regrowth cycle. Hairs without the bulb were broken off.


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The Gardener said:
The presence or absence of white bulbs on the hair has no correlation to male pattern baldness status.

Hairs with the bulb were in telogen, resting phase and were going through their normal shed/regrowth cycle. Hairs without the bulb were broken off.



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In response to the gardener, it may have no direct correlation to male pattern baldness, but doesn't male pattern baldness put more hairs into the telogen phase, meaning that male pattern baldness could be causing the fallout of more white bulbed hairs? Correct me if I'm wrong.

The Gardener

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No, not exactly. An male pattern baldness and a non-male pattern baldness person can at times shed the same amount of hair. The only difference is that the non-male pattern baldness person's hair grows back at the same thickness as the original hair. And, hair sheds for all people regardless of Norwood can occur at irregular intervals, good months, and bad months...