Which adhesive works the best for you?


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Im having glue issues. I had my system put on Wednesday am. The next day I showered, but I used a strong anti-dandruff shampoo and it loosened the bond in the front. I went back and they fixed the lifted part with tape, but I got glue stuck in front hair line. I went back today and had it applied all over again from scratch and this time we used Ghostbond with tape, so I am hoping its on. What do you all use and how do you make the glue last long? Thanks for the tips in advance, I appreciate it.

Side question, how long did it take you to get comfortable wearing it out. So far I feel like people are looking at me, but I know I am just being paranoid.


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A few thoughts...

1. Don't use really hot water when shampooing - the heat can soften the adhesive and reduce the strength of the attachment.

2. Don't shampoo your hair - or even get it wet - for the first 24 - 36 hours after attachment. This will increase the wearing time significantly.

3. If you need to use an anti-dandruff shampoo, apply it only to your growing hair and not to your hair system. Harsh shampoos will strip the hair and make it as dry as straw. Use only a sulfate-free shampoo on your hair system, and don't shampoo the system more than once a week.