what's wrogn with it?


Experienced Member
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after reading this link:


It says that if it is approved it shoudl go on the market for hair loss in 2006. It is now 2007 and hasn't been FDA approved. Why not? Apparently the drug prevents porstate cancer as well and I'm sure all the males out there who wish to combat hairloss do't want cancer so why isn't everyone taking this? Am I missing something here?


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Original phase III trials were cancelled. A new study is now underway in Korea. Avodart might not be commercially viable as a hair loss treatment, due to:
1. Merck's first mover advantage with Propecia
2. The likely modest additional benefits offered by Avodart
3. The decrease in sperm count on Avodart
4. Concerns the long term neurological effects of inhibiting so much type I 5AR (finasteride is selective for type II, not found in the brain).