What Should I Do? Continue Taking Propecia?


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Hi all

Hoping to get a bit of advice as i'm not really sure what to do here.

I'm 24 yr old male. I have always had a high hairline, it runs in the family. There has also been no balding in my family, no one on my mothers or fathers side. About 1 year ago I noticed my hairline had receeded in the corners (I'll say im a NW1/NW2). It doesn't look great as i already have a high hairline and i can no longer style my hair how i use to do it. I decided to start taking propecia approx 8 months ago. I was taking 1mg everyday for the first 3 months but then switched to every other day as i was experiencing unpleasent side effects. I have seen no re-growth since i started taking it. I'm not sure if there has been further hair loss, it looks about the same. I started taking it everyday again about a week ago in hopes to see improvements. However i have started experiencing sides again (Low sex drive, slight pain in testicles, itchy scalp. depression). My question is... What would you do? Would you continue taking the drug? I have seen no regrowth since i started. I have even read online that some people said propecia made their hair line worse? And that it only really helps growth at the crown? My hair is fine everywhere else, its just the hair line which is the problem. I'm worried that if i stop taking the drug, that i will suddenly see lots of hair loss, as maybe the drug has been maintaining it?

Any thoughts would be great! thanks


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Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition. Seeing as there is no hair loss anywhere on either side of your family, you probably don't have the genes for losing your hair. You say you are a "NW1/NW2". I don't think it was the right decision to jump on finasteride at this point in view of the fact you are between a Nw1 and Nw2, and you have no family history at all of hair loss. Finasteride is a powerful medication that should only be taken if you are completely sure you have male pattern baldness. I recommend you make an appointment with a dermatologist to get it confirmed whether or not you have male pattern baldness.