What makes you hair at the back and sides DHT resistant?


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It's like asking "Why do men grow beards just up the jaw and half the face? Why not grow bread hair all over your face and eye lids?"


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Here is my problem with these skull shape or scalp tension theories. Why wont women go bald? Women have a variety of head shapes that mimics the variety in men yet men go bald, and 3/4 of women dont even less before menopause when their hormones go bonkers. If these theories were true we would see FPB at the same rates and same patterns on the scalp as men. We dont.

Female skulls grow into identifiably different shapes to males, which could explain the different pattern.

Armando Jose

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Any theory must explain the difference incidence of common alopecia between sexes and the patterning and timing of it.
More fire to discuss ...
People must to know that the important hormones for hair are made inside the pilosebaceous unit, and OTOH, hair must live with the sebaceous gland and muscle erector