what do you think about the idea of mixing T3 into minoxidil


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Ive been reading on Hair Site and some users have claimed results mixing T3 into Minoxidil. Here is the link -

http://www.hairsite4.com/dc/dcboard.php ... pic_page=2

To make this take a 60 mL bottle of 5% minoxidil and add 600mcg of
cytomel into the mix. Apply 1 to 2 mL daily

Here's more links:

http://www.hairsite4.com/dc/dcboard.php ... &mode=full

In a study a quote was - "Thus, topically applied thyroid hormone has dramatic effects on both skin and hair growth"

You can read the studies in the link i gave. Has anybody tried this or think its worth while? I want to try this asap. Any thoughts?