what about if we lived 50 years ago?


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What about if we lived 50 years ago, when neither minoxidil, nor hair transplant and finasteride existed?.. and we watched obsolete our hair to fall? what we could have done?... I am afraid even by the thought of that!

--> what about if we lived in 2055, when the medicine are much much better, also!


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What if you took propecia one morning and had the sudden urge to shave your testicles while eating a hearty bowl of pasta?


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Yea, I was thinking about what the world will be like in the future and I was thinking in as soon as 100 years from now, the bald man will no longer exist in the civilized world. Maybe being bald will be a symbol of being poor or less fortunate because anyone in their right mind who can afford drugs to reverse hair loss will be buying them. The way I see it is that if I have to drive a Kia for a couple of years and live in an apartment as opposed to the nicer alternatives I would gladly do it for a nice head of hair.


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I believe people weren't as bald in the past. Much of the male pattern baldness has to do with an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, too little sleep, fluorescent lighting, empty carbohydrates, soda, chips, sugar. Plus, like homeless people, the hair was used to actually do its job, to insulate and protect the head.

Our modern, toxic lifestyle, plus STRESS, like mankind has never known, has caused an unnatural acceleration in male pattern baldness, IMO.

Fallout Boy

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We'll be saying to our kids when we're 80 ..."I remember back in my day we had bald people" and they'll be all like "Get the f*** outta here" and you'll be like "no".


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Funny, I was thinking about that the other day. I was looking at some little kids and I thought "Huh, be happy now because someday you'll be losing your hair." And then I thought, these kids are going to be in their late teens or twenties at least before anything starts happening, and lord only knows what's going to be on the market by that time. They may treat hair loss like we have moles removed - one trip to the doctor and your problems are over.

On the up side, I'll be in my kickin' forties by that time, and I think I'll still be young enough to appreciate having a good head of hair :)


I think baldness has been around for centuries. Jesus was in fact bald, he wore a system.

I don't think a real cure for baldness will be found for a good few years yet. It's just too complicated of an issue to resolve. Can you imagine taking a pill, just one pill that makes a norwood 6 have a full head of hair. How the f*** is that supossed to work. It would take millions and millions pounds to fund something like that. Just to give a full head of hair. I just don't think it will happen.

All we can hope for in the short term is more drugs that help to halt the process, growing new hair from nothing is very difficult to say the least.

Our other only hope is to round up all the tramps in London and perfom FUE procedures on them to take all their hair, then by using anti rejection drugs implant the hair into the recipient.

I wonder how many tramps would be up for that....


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Yeah, I doubt that we'll have a magic "Hair in 24 hours" soon, if ever. I am, though, holding out hope for HM. It's a tricky business, no question, but they seem to be making good progress. In ten years, who knows?

If that fails, then we can consider the tramps. I'd say I'm at about a 0.1-T right now, meaning that it would take ten percent of the hair volume of a tramp with hair like Rod Stewart to give me normal density.