WEIRD! .. help please?


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weird..... i've been losing my hair for a few months now and the hairline is is receding a good amount and the corners are in a good amount... the top back of my head is getting really thing and u can see the scalp when my hair is wet....... i've been on propecia for about week and a half... but today i looked closely at the front.. and infront of whre it was receding on the sides i see little tiny blonde hairs coming out........ are those new hairs that are coming in? or has there always been little hairs in front of hairline that don't grow, i never examined that quickly

its clearly too early to have propecia regrow my hair so i don't know what the deal is............

i have no previous histroy in my family of baldness... everyone has a full head of hair... father (hasn't even lost hairline) , both sets of grandparents.. all their siblings....... my one grandfather lost some of his hair when he turned 50 so even though my blood test came back okay i find it odd for me to lose my hair due to heretics i'm 20............

anyone have any insight THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!


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btw.... hair is still falling out the way it was b4 i started propecia.........the lil blonde hairs gotta be a sign of hair growth i imagine... but not sure if the new hair grows in and is like rough stubble... or what..........


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I'm literally laughing out loud right now because I was just about to create a post asking the very same question. Today I noticed that I have these little tiny hairs that are starting to grow in an area that has been thinning very dramatically (corner of my hairline). I never noticed them before because I had quite a bit of hair there to cover it. For the last month or so I've lost that hair pretty rapidly and today just happened to see them. It's weird because they're such a contrast to the rest of my hair which is like 4-5 inches long. They almost look like the little hair specks (I'm not going to use the word dot) that people who shave their head would see.

Any thoughts?


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When you lose hair, its not actually gone! It grows back... however, each time it grows back, the hair becomes thinner and thinner until its just fluff.. things like Propecia attempt to 1) Stop it falling out as fast, 2) Cause the regrowth to be thicker. This applies to people with male pattern baldness (for us scientists - mutants), in normal (or wild-type) people, the regrowth replaces exactly what had fallen out.


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Well Rage if you look at my Regimen you will see that not only am I on finasteride but also minoxidil and folligen. Do you think it's possible that these hairs could grow back thicker and stronger then before? What's really strange about it is that its in such a contained little patch and I've never noticed anything like it before.


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Kramer3 said:
Well Rage if you look at my Regimen you will see that not only am I on finasteride but also minoxidil and folligen. Do you think it's possible that these hairs could grow back thicker and stronger then before? What's really strange about it is that its in such a contained little patch and I've never noticed anything like it before.

I think its the new regrowth men :lol:

Good luck on keeping those little hairs growing ! :D

George Costanza

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i've been on propecia for about week and a half... but today i looked closely at the front.. and infront of whre it was receding on the sides i see little tiny blonde hairs coming out........ are those new hairs that are coming in? or has there always been little hairs in front of hairline that don't grow, i

You haven't been on propecia nearly long enough to regrow hair. Those hairs are most likely ones that don't grow like they should anymore.

Interestingly enough, I've been watching a brand new thick dark hair growing about two inches under my widows peek hairline for 3 weeks now. I don't think my hairline has EVER been that low. I don't apply spironolactone or folligen that low on my temple, the only thing that hits that area is the lasercomb. I think it's just a mutant caused by laser therapy or maybe it's a hairline hair from when I was 12. But the hair is as thick and dark as the ones on top just WAY out of place. :freaked:


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George Costanza said:
I've been watching a brand new thick dark hair growing about two inches under my widows peek hairline for 3 weeks now.

Man, that's a long time to sit and watch a hair grow, you must be getting pretty tired by now?

George Costanza

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Yea, it is starting to get a little boring. :roll:


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George Costanza said:
But the hair is as thick and dark as the ones on top just WAY out of place. :freaked:

Yea I get a couple of those once in a while. Right where my hairlins used to be. Kinda like they're teasing me saying "haha remember when your hairline was down here". I showed them....tweezed them right out. Who's laughing now.....MMMWWWAAAAAHHHAAAHHHAAA. :hairy: