weird hair problem


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I am 45, have been slowly receeding for a several yrs, got on this anxiety medicine called Prestiq, within 3 weeks my hair started changing texture, lost hair more on left side then on right, hair cycle started getting shorter, now my hair wont grow beyond 1/2 inch and fall out WTF, its like porqupine hair, real thick. I have lost 50%+ of my hair in the last 2 months. I took prestiq for 3 months, been off for 4-5, hair on top and sides are different texture and less but the top is ridiculous, I can handle going bald but in 2 months. I have recently started rogaine foam and nizoral 1%, biotin,msm, cant take propecia, side effects kill me. I kept thinking I had to let the drug get out of my system but its been at least 5 months now and my hair is still very course and wont grow especially on top, that's why I decided to try minoxidil, any advice or recomendations . anyone have any ideas how long it takes to get drug reactions out of your system if that's what it is I guess


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I recommend seeing a doctor. Although you didn't post pictures, the fact that you lost so much hair over a 2 month periods leads me to believe you have something other than Androgenetic Alopecia (which hopefully means the hair loss will be reversed). A doctor could confirm whether or not you have male pattern baldness.


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went in for a blood test today, be a week till I know something, I don't think I will have any damn hair in a week its falling out that fast. its definitely not male pattern baldness