Wearing high-quality rugs


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I'm asking people who have worn Farrell or Paris hairpieces, how does it feel? I'm 20 and thinking about a piece. What are the cons and pros?

I do NOT want to back off everybody when confronted when i'm partying because i'll be scared they'll rip the piece off and i do not want to think twice about going swimming or sun-tanning....


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hair piece

my friend speaking from experience having a hair piece has its ups and downs. some look really good some look like a cat died on your head.
maintenance is the key. each month you have to have it removed and then rebonded. average costs are 300+ a month plus yearly fees.
i wore one for six years and got tired of it. when your fitted your definately gonna feel it on your head and as far as sports are concerned i was advised not to put my head under the water in the pool and to be careful playing rougher sports due to the fragileness of the unit.
i wore a very thin lace unit, but when up close, i was concerned about people staring at my head. the best way to keep them at odds is to make sure your hair blends, especially in the back.